...all the More so as You Behold That Day Drawing Near

by cofty 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    When I was a JW we had a 60 minute public talk - interval - 60 minute WT study. 60 minutes on a Tuesday and 2 hours on a Thursday. Apparently every single meeting was essential.

    We also had to get to 2 circuit assemblies every year that consisted of Friday evening, morning, afternoon and evening on a Sat and morning and afternoon on a Sunday. The the big convention went on forever over four days including evening sessions.

    So since the good book says christians should gather together "all the more as you see the day drawing near" how come they hold fewer and fewer meetings compared to decades ago?


  • tenyearsafter
    Money...and how many people today would tolerate a 7 day convention?  I am guessing even a weekend convention is now a stretch for people to attend.
  • DwainBowman

    Cofty, the Sunday & Thursday meetings did not include the song a prayer, so you had to add at least another 15 miuntes or more!


  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    Cofy, I think the spin would be thusly.

    Define "gathering".  Family bible study is the new loving arrangement made by the governing body as we realize the all out assault on families being made by Satan in his desperation.  It is the most important and intimate of "gathering together" is it not?  How about the new annual meeting and zone visits that can now be enjoyed by all.   Are not they too gatherings?  Every day in the ministry is an opportunity to gather together in praise to Jehovah.

    Therefore, it is reaosnable to conclude that in these last days, the slave has recognized and responded to the admonition to gather yourselves together, all the moreso...

    I think I threw up in my mouth a little while writing this.

  • Incognito

    Funny, I can recall as a kid, many DCs were 5 or 7 days and one was 8 days, from morning until 8 or 9 pm.

    A couple of years ago, the inlaws commenced splitting their 3 day 10am-4pm DC/Regional convention over 2 weekends as they complain 3 days is 'too long'.

  • Magnum
    So since the good book says christians should gather together "all the more as you see the day drawing near" how come they hold fewer and fewer meetings compared to decades ago?

    Good question. It seems that what you mention is a specific case of a more general JW phenomenon. It seems they're softening/lessening in a number of areas when, if what they teach is true, they should be hardening/increasing.

    There's the example you mentioned of the shorter/fewer meetings. Also, the literature has decreased in quantity (fewer mags and fewer pages per mag) and it has become softer and simpler. Many here have commented on the fact that the mags are now so dumbed down.

    Another example is the preaching work. I was always told that the message was going to turn harder the closer we got to the end. Well, the opposite has happened. The message is softer. I don't even really know what it is anymore. I used to really strongly warn people because I really thought the end was imminent and that their lives were in danger, but if I were still preaching, I couldn't/wouldn't do that anymore. The JW message is no longer bold as it once was. As somebody (I think it was Simon) said here, JWdom is transforming into a lifestyle religion; it is no longer the bold, confident religion it once was.

    So the end of the world is imminent??? Then why don't JWs act accordingly? I thought the last part of the preaching work was supposed to parallel the Israelites' marching around Jericho on the seventh day and making a lot of noise. The JW marching is getting weaker and softer.

  • cofty

    I agree. Despite what they say there is nothing about the organisation that suggests they actually believe the end is near. Back in the 70s and 80s we really knew what we stood for. 

    It is just another "lifestyle" religion.

  • OneEyedJoe
    This is one of those things that I think probably bothers most JWs in principle to some extent.  The problem is that they're all so relieved to have less cult activities taking over their lives, that they're sure as hell not going to complain.  At least that's how it was for me.  I remember being a pre-teen hearing about these 7 day conventions from my parents and this scripture was called to mind, but I didn't dare mention because 3 days was a cake walk in comparison.
  • blondie

    When I was a pre-teen, there was no prayer before the public talk...probably not a song...no need to embarrass the visiting non-jws.

    I remember 8-day district/international assemblies (then conventions) 

  • mrquik
    Ahh the good old days. As kids we would run wild during the 15 minute intermission on Sundays. We would stare blankly at the huge status board we & every other hall had with a running tally of pubs, hrs. etc. etc. Conventions were absolute torture; going on for days. I was old enough to pass on the 1958 international convention at Yankee Stadium. My 6 yr. old brother went instead. Now I honk the horn as I drive by on Saturday & Sunday mornings.

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