So since the good book says christians should gather together "all the more as you see the day drawing near" how come they hold fewer and fewer meetings compared to decades ago?
Good question. It seems that what you mention is a specific case of a more general JW phenomenon. It seems they're softening/lessening in a number of areas when, if what they teach is true, they should be hardening/increasing.
There's the example you mentioned of the shorter/fewer meetings. Also, the literature has decreased in quantity (fewer mags and fewer pages per mag) and it has become softer and simpler. Many here have commented on the fact that the mags are now so dumbed down.
Another example is the preaching work. I was always told that the message was going to turn harder the closer we got to the end. Well, the opposite has happened. The message is softer. I don't even really know what it is anymore. I used to really strongly warn people because I really thought the end was imminent and that their lives were in danger, but if I were still preaching, I couldn't/wouldn't do that anymore. The JW message is no longer bold as it once was. As somebody (I think it was Simon) said here, JWdom is transforming into a lifestyle religion; it is no longer the bold, confident religion it once was.
So the end of the world is imminent??? Then why don't JWs act accordingly? I thought the last part of the preaching work was supposed to parallel the Israelites' marching around Jericho on the seventh day and making a lot of noise. The JW marching is getting weaker and softer.