My husband ran into a good friend of his at breakfast this morning; we've known him and his family for over a decade. His 36 yr. old son has been semi-diagnosed as schizophrenic (sp?) - and is very handsome and intelligent. As long as he takes medication, he's fine. The reason I say "semi-diagnosed" is because the doctors can't really figure the son out.
In passing conversation, the father said that a pair of USA CIA agents had knocked on his door a couple of days ago, asking for his son. His son has been using his father's nifty new computer to explore the internet endlessly. Upon exploration, he found a site on mind control - with a lot of information provided by the CIA, some of it inaccessible upon trying. His son found a way to access.
Being intelligent, he had some questions for the CIA authors, so he called them. Identified himself and started discussing with them the pros and cons on their printed material. They explained that the CIA material - in the depth he was conversing - was not accessible at the moment. The son explained yes it was if you knew how to get to it.
Thus, the visit. The pair of CIA agents escorted the son to a State Mental Institution for a free three-week evaluation. This is his third day. Who knows? They'll probably hire him. However, his father is quite nervous that the CIA agents will come back and confiscate(sp?) his new computer. Who knows where else the son's been visiting.
Lessons learned:
1. Take your medication.
2. If a govenment site says inaccessible - believe them.
3. If you don't believe them - don't call them to discuss what you've accessed.
The state assigned psychiatrist is not your friend. Author Unknown
This is a true account - happened this morning.