Maybe I dreamed this, but I swear that there was a WT article sometime in 2001 that, in discussing John 17:3, made some mysterious (mysterious in light of their long-time teaching on this issue) that the Greek word translated "everlasting" had different shades of meaning, that it may have referred to "quality, not quantity". In other words, knowing Jah and the one he sent forth would result in an abundance of quality life, not necessarily endless life in the chronological sense. I was in such a WT mental stupor at the time that I didn't think much of it, but now that I think about it, it seems that this may have been the very first teeny little baby step in a gradual and huge doctrinal shift.
Then again, maybe I dreamed this. Does anyone else remember this, and do they know which mag it appeared in? I threw almost all of my WT in the dumpster when I dis'd last March.