What are the questions about before you are baptized? Are they available somewhere on the net?
Questions before someone was baptized
by Zaanieth 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Z -
I don't know if they're available on the net, but they're basically just questions to make certain that one has been fully indoctrinated into the Witness religion. They are divided into three sections, and a different elder questions the prospective initiate on each part. If you "pass", you are allowed to be baptized at the next circuit assembly or district convention.
Perhaps someone will see this thread and post the list. It's quite long I believe.
It sure wasn't in affect in 1960, when I got baptized. I'd be interested to see it as well.
Credit goes to Amazing...
They are in the back of the "Organized to Accomplish Your MInistry Book" which is posted on Kent's site www.watchtower.observer.org (can I post this site?)
Edited by - Blondie on 2 October 2002 15:19:7
Try this instead.
Thanks, stichione. I can be challenged at times.
Thanks for these sites, especially the one Amazing posted. I have printed it out for reference.
I have had to come back in here to say that for some reason, I am not able to get certain things printed from certain people. Some parts of the thread print, and some don't. The list that Amazing did is what would not print. I have already addressed this problem to Simon in the Tech end of things. ?????
Edited by - Sentinel on 2 October 2002 15:36:28
Edited by - Sentinel on 2 October 2002 15:37:17
Thank you all!