Let me get this straight

by poopie 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • poopie
    At the regional they said they need brothers like crazy, but sisters are giveing out the literature and sisters are handling contranution boxes but yet they say brothers are lazy shiftless following at distance can someone explain this.
  • Listener
    They mean that the brothers need to be more like Jesus and follow him closely.
  • steve2

    Like bad parents everywhere, the GB refuse to examine their "parenting", instead blaming the "kids".

    Perhaps when their last "child" has left home never to return, the GB will then be ready to think about their own role in the dearth of suitable brothers to "promote". In the meantime, eat your heart out, sisters, you get to do some of the menial tasks like "brothers-in-waiting".

    Even more slavery without the promotions that count!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The apostle Paul made it clear that in Jehovah's Christian congregation, women were not equivalent to men because they are filthy due to the periodic uncleanliness that Jehovah create them with. If there are no manly men of god in the congregation, SOMEONE must do the work that supports the worldwide preaching work, and so a mere woman can be used to get the work done as long as she wears a doily or diaper on her head and SUBMITS immediately to the direction of any baptized (thus ordained) Brother, even if that Brother is 14 years old or younger and retarded. It's Jehovah's way of doing things, so don't challenge it or I will sic a she-bear on ya!

    The men out your way are either too smart for the JW line o' crap or too stupid to "step up" to handing out magazines. You tell me which it is.

  • Nathan Natas
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    At the regional they said they need brothers like crazy ... they say brothers are lazy shiftless following at distance

    And the beatings will continue until morale improves.

  • WingCommander

    @ Billy:

    Hey! That's my line!!

    "The beatings will continue until morale improves."

    Kind of like the one poster on here who always says, "........It's a Cult!"


  • punkofnice

    It isn't a religion. The WBT$ is a scam corporation posing as a religion to get money and power for the leaders and puppet masters.

    Make no mistake, the leaders are just slave drivers and don't care for the human cost.

    The leaders bully the rank and file. You can see this, it filters down from the Governing body through CO's and elders. Nothing to do with Jesus or love. The WBT$ is a hate filled corporation.

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