Italian Ex-JW website: Jehovah's Worshipers Organisation ( to come?
by Elisa1966 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"Good Morning. I know most of my life a brother, very spiritually minded, an anointed missionary, he personally knows some of the Governing Body, ie one who could possibly these include time itself. He is not in Italy. Recently, he has joyfully laughing something told me that I could not tell if he was joking or whether I should sit down and cry.
He said, Look At to, the books, the magazines, everything we've published in recent years and for whom we have published it. Ultimately, we only produce material for families. For the WTG, the preacher of the 20th century, you automatically deactivate the reputation of the tutors (according to him the future name of the preacher with the trolley) of
They no longer preach the Kingdom, helping the families. The end, when it will come, it will come halt.
Immediately after the completion of Warwick, we will change the name (so he said) in organizing the worshipers of Jehovah (Yahweh Worshipers organization abbreviated ).
All think it's just the name of the site. They did not get it (so he thought), why they publish this on so exaggerated way: it is our new name (as he thinks). The Watchtower will be replaced in his opinion gradually through the Christian congregation of Jehovah's worshipers (Christian Congregation O Jehovah Worshipers).
The Watchtower Library will be replaced by the JW-Library (which will not contain any publication before 2000) and there will be prompted to destroy all copies (that seems already obvious). It is only a magazine style Young People Ask publish - as he said.
The public lectures will be replaced by considerations by direct transfer of JW Broadcasting in the rooms (which is quasi already handled).
In his opinion, this whole move of the headquarters only has the purpose to create a distance to what the Jehovah's Witnesses, to raise up the organization of the worshipers of Jehovah out of the ashes and forgetting 1914 generation. So to speak, "the not we have said, these were the Jehovah's Witnesses. We are something quite different. "
All these appointments, changes etc. are preparing only the terrain in front of the big announcement.
He wants to escape, has said that he does not participate since. If he wanted to take me in his arms?
I do not know why I wanted to tell you that, but I had to tell someone.It's too much, to keep it for me. "
Well if it's true, some very, very naughty brother has leaked like a sieve, raising questions about how such a radical change could be put into place out of the blue with such big mouths taking away the surprise factor. Silence the villain quickly!
More likely, it is fanciful speculation, inspired by naughty persons who have already left the organization. Good luck silencing them!
But, whether true or not, it will create a lot of lather among those naughty persons dying for reform within the organization.
By my estimation, both inside and outside the organization, there are way too many naughty persons who dare to hope the organization will one day become reformable. Judging by the way things are going, these persons might live to see big changes of one kind or another. Fingers crossed those changes bring about the reforms that, to date, have seemed way too fanciful to ever be fulfilled.
campaign of hate
They can easily change it.
Like everything else, the R&F will lap that shit up.
The other stuff, like the WT CD being discontinued would raise some eyebrows.
All meeting parts being broadcast? That would wake a LOT of people up, or just cause a sense of indifference toward the organisation.