Peace to you!
It is usually thought that science and religion are mutually exclusive. This is primarily because in the minds of many people religion, as opposed to science, deals with the incognizable and has no place for experiment or use of other research methods.
Perhaps you have just come across something that may change your mind by showing that there is much more to religion and spirituality than people commonly think, that God can be cognized and that this can be done by using a strictly scientific method .
The complete doctrine of spiritual science can be summarized in short in the following three points:
1.There is God the Universal Consciousness of the Creator, Who lives in the highest eon (or plane, or loka) of multidimensional space.
2.He is Love.
3.We must become one with Him through transforming ourselves into Love, into a universal spiritual heart. Understanding and accomplishment of this is what it makes sense to spend ones life for.
This doctrine has been practically realized in our scientific-spiritual School that was founded in Russia by Vladimir Antonov (Ph.D).
Using scientific method the School has explored multidimensional structure of human organism and of the Universe. The leaders of the School have attained an ability to enter the Abode of the Creator, to Merge with Him and to come back to embodied disciples.
Among multiple documented results of the Schools research is a description of the functions of chakras and several main meridians (as emotiogenic zones of multidimensional human organism), as well as methods of their development.
Several books of Dr. Vladimir Antonov have been translated into English and can be found on our website . The autobiography of the scientist and his book God Speaks, which contains a comparative analysis of major religious teachings, are to be translated in the near future.
Currently we are looking for prospective partners in North America (Canada, USA) with the purpose of creating centers of scientific-spiritual culture.
We are inviting all interested groups or individuals to cooperate with us in spurring the spiritual uplift of North American people.
Maxim Shafeyev,
member of the Scientific-Spiritual Center "Swami",
/on instructions of Dr. Vladimir Antonov/