Economies are collapsing?No Problem!Is written!

by enricofrassinetti 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • enricofrassinetti

    Dear Brothers and sisters of the world.

    Before of all, sorry for my broken english.

    The rediscovered of the BARCODE, how march of the wide beast 666 (Revelation 13:16-18), is more significant, because the last events about the economy that is collapsing, explaining that is written in the Bible about Revelation 6:6 , 16:2.

    Second new light, the bad conditions prevised in the great tribulation, are from impute to the collapse of the economies of the world, and in these last times, this possibility is very real, and very near. (Revelation 16:2 explain that the wound inflicted to the men of the beast 666, maybe can be the economic world recession).

    I am an economist, but many ulterior studies in trade and in economy, has helped me to understand that how Jehovahs Witnesses, must operate, for insert, in this moment of the story, a New Economic System, politically, economically and socially separated from the governing world, including also religiously speaking.

    Between little time the conditions equal to the events of the 70 E.V. in Jerusalem, when are died 1.100.000 habitants, will come back, for besiege the entire earth.

    I am sure, that we must do it, because in Isaiah 60:12 there is written that the Jehovah people, must to suck the resource to the nations, before of Armageddon, (in perspicacity is explained that is one condition or situation that the satan govern and the Jehovah people, must live).

    In fact.. how we can suck resources, if the nations are destructed?

    This fact explain that the our New Economic System must suck resources, before that Jehovah destruct all bad nations.

    In the 1998 I with many brothers and some sister, have initiated one of the systems necessary for start all this big project, denominated Alpha & Omega, with the primary think in absolute, the system capable of go AGAINST OF THE BANK SYSTEM of the bankers of the world of satan.

    But we have also much work of to do.

    This project is very very enormous, but with the big desire, traditional of the Jehovahs Witnesses, this will be possible do it.

    The next ours operations, is that of construct the bases for one new electronic coin, expendable only for us, and for all that that collaborate actively in this Economic System, from us sustained.

    Actually with this society ( ) we are present in 21 nations, but is very very difficult, extender this society, because go against the traditional financial system of the summary of the public saving.

    Other important aspect of this new methodic system is that there is not competition between yours sustainers, second that is written in Galatians 5:6.

    With a TURNOVER system programmed, explicated in one distribution of primaries products alimentary(water, bread, milk, cheese, oil) door to door, is possible insert persons in the ours personnel work turn, and profit on the clients and on the work of the person inserted from us, with the methodic system of Multilevel Network Marketing.

    With all this solutions, explicated contemporarily, is so possible suck resources to the nations, and construct the bases for have the legal system for emit a new electronic coin.

    Remember you!!!!! The Jehovahs people must to be completely separated from the satan system, religiously, but also politically, economically and socially (Romans 12:1-2).

    Do you want more information? Send me e-mail to [email protected]


    Agape love

    Enrico Frassinetti

  • SYN

    *rubs hands and giggles*

    Before of all, sorry for my broken english.

    No problem. Comforter's English is broken too

    The rediscovered of the BARCODE, how march of the wide beast 666 (Revelation 13:16-18), is more significant, because the last events about the economy that is collapsing, explaining that is written in the Bible about Revelation 6:6 , 16:2.

    EVIL BARCODES! Whodathunk that a few little black stripes could be so DARK AND EVIL? Surely groceries are not Satanic? Are my potatoes even now plotting to make my furniture float around in my living room? Geesh. Maybe I need to get a New World Translation and put it on my couches to stop them from flying out the windows, LMAO!

    Second new light, the bad conditions prevised in the great tribulation, are from impute to the collapse of the economies of the world, and in these last times, this possibility is very real, and very near. (Revelation 16:2 explain that the wound inflicted to the men of the beast 666, maybe can be the economic world recession).

    We'll be too busy fighting with Iraq shortly to worry about little things like a RECESSION, big guy.

    I am an economist, but many ulterior studies in trade and in economy, has helped me to understand that how Jehovahs Witnesses, must operate, for insert, in this moment of the story, a New Economic System, politically, economically and socially separated from the governing world, including also religiously speaking.

    Cool, holy electronic cash. Can you dig it?

  • Between little time the conditions equal to the events of the 70 E.V. in Jerusalem, when are died 1.100.000 habitants, will come back, for besiege the entire earth.
  • I am sure, that we must do it, because in Isaiah 60:12 there is written that the Jehovah people, must to suck the resource to the nations, before of Armageddon, (in perspicacity is explained that is one condition or situation that the satan govern and the Jehovah people, must live).
  • In fact.. how we can suck resources, if the nations are destructed?

  • Erm...I don't know, you tell me!

    This fact explain that the our New Economic System must suck resources, before that Jehovah destruct all bad nations.

    In the 1998 I with many brothers and some sister, have initiated one of the systems necessary for start all this big project, denominated Alpha & Omega, with the primary think in absolute, the system capable of go AGAINST OF THE BANK SYSTEM of the bankers of the world of satan.

    Well at least the homepage isn't on Geocities anymore. That's certainly a great step forwards.

    But we have also much work of to do.

    This project is very very enormous, but with the big desire, traditional of the Jehovahs Witnesses, this will be possible do it.

    You got that one right about the "big desire". Dubs are in fact one of the most sexually frustrated groups of people on the planet. Why do you think all those single, middle-aged Publishers always have stained clothing?

    The next ours operations, is that of construct the bases for one new electronic coin, expendable only for us, and for all that that collaborate actively in this Economic System, from us sustained.

    Actually with this society ( ) we are present in 21 nations, but is very very difficult, extender this society, because go against the traditional financial system of the summary of the public saving.

    Nope. You are only going to compliment it, not go against it. In fact, it would be very surprising if they even noticed you!

    Other important aspect of this new methodic system is that there is not competition between yours sustainers, second that is written in Galatians 5:6.

    With a TURNOVER system programmed, explicated in one distribution of primaries products alimentary(water, bread, milk, cheese, oil) door to door, is possible insert persons in the ours personnel work turn, and profit on the clients and on the work of the person inserted from us, with the methodic system of Multilevel Network Marketing.

    That was quite a mouthful. So basically you're saying that people will go from door to door selling water, bread and milk instead of Watchtower magazines! Great! Finally, a use for the Dubs! Imagine an army of zealous milkmen in suits, who think they're going to DIE if they don't deliver your dairy products on time! You gotta love it!

    With all this solutions, explicated contemporarily, is so possible suck resources to the nations, and construct the bases for have the legal system for emit a new electronic coin.

    Ah yes, the electronic coin. Will these coins have barcodes on them? BARCODES ARE EVIL Y'KNOW!

    Remember you!!!!!

    OK, OK, geesh, take it easy!

    The Jehovahs people must to be completely separated from the satan system, religiously, but also politically, economically and socially (Romans 12:1-2). Do you want more information? Send me e-mail to [email protected] Sincerely Agape love

    Thank Ghod it wasn't Porneia (SP?) love!
  • Stephanus

    Nicht diese tone

  • Celtic

    Tell me something new, that I hadn't noticed before, barcode 666 is such old news.

    Did you know too that the standard soft back covered Bible used by the JW's namely the NWT has exactly 1,666 pages?

    Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.

    Mark Price / Cornwall UK

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