I remember, when I was but a lad, how a young sister of 15 was publicly reproved to the whole congregation for being sexually experienced.
A couple of years later, the same thing occurred with another young lady, who was forced to sob in front of everyone.
Even then, with all my J-dub imprinting, I recall feeling outraged at the congregations treatment of these girls. I felt that the way that they had been dealt with was far more intrusive and abusive than anything that they may have experienced in their first sexual forays.
I recall feeling very deeply that it was very wrong for a female to have to submit herself to the interrogations of 3 middle aged men, whilst she had to be alone in her guilt and misery as she endured their probing.
In later years, my ex-wife had to go through this experience. OK, she was no shrinking violet, but again I felt most indignant on her behalf.
Surely, this is not right? Is it not a terrible travesty for a woman to be alone with 3 fellows, and give them lurid sexual details of things that are normally just between 2 people?
Why is it that, an accused woman is unable to bring another female with her to attend these kangaroo courts? Even the Police woud not dream of ever allowing a woman to be interviewed about anything unless there was another woman present.
What do you think? Is it not an abuse of human rights for a lady to be treated in such a manner? Shouldn`t an accused lady at least have the right to be accompanied by a female friend when she faces a DF`ing committee?