Funniest Joke
No kidding. I was watching the news today and the votes were tallied up for the worlds funniest joke. Each country had their funniest joke winners then the votes were cast for the funniest out of all the countries.
I forgot what country the winning joke came from. It was pretty funny, one of my favs, but the worlds funniest? na.
Here tis.
Two men are out on a hunting trip.
One suddenly grabs his chest, gets a blank stare on his face, then falls to the ground.
The other guy cries out, "Don't worry buddy!" "I'll get some help!" then reaches in his friends pocket and pulls out a cell phone and calls 911.
The dispatcher answers and he tells her, "My friend grabbed his chest then passed out, he's lying on the ground, he's not moving, oh god I think he's dead!! What do I do!"
The dispatcher tells the hunter, "Ok, calm down I can help you but first you need to make sure he's dead"
The hunter says "Ok", and puts the phone down,
There's a silence for a moment as the dispatcher listens and waits and then... a Loud SHOT! is heard by the dispatcher.
The hunter gets back on the phone and say's, "Ok now what"
Yep it was voted the official worlds funniest joke from a computer survey done around the world. Don't know how many countries participated.
Who thinks this is the funniest joke ever told?
This was voted The Netherlands funniest joke:
I wish I new there was a survey going on before today.Why do ducks have webed feet?
........................To stamp out forest fires.
Why do elephants have flat feet?
.......................To stamp out burning ducks.