WTS stats are down in the Western World these days. Unfortunately, so is the economy. I usually get a request for change from at least 2 or 3 homeless people a day. As the weather gets colder, these poor souls often wear mismatched 'suits' from the local thrift store. Are you guys following me yet? Perhaps the WTS should hand these guys a stack of comic boo.. er.. Watchtowers and instead of panhandling, they could do 'street witnessing'. The society could tell them they are allowed to keep the small donation, in exchange for filling out a time sheet once a month. Think about it. Stats would go WAY up. They would have 24/7 pioneers.
How to get more pioneers
by IronGland 4 Replies latest jw friends
Seeing the WTS is very wealthy, they should pay s.pioneers the basic wage. Might get more takers then?
When my employer gives me an assignment, i get to "count" ALL my time worked on it, prep time included, not just presentation time.
If jahoba let pioneers "count time" for their preparation time too, not just their opening prayer to closing prayer time, or first door to last door time, i think they'd get more takers.
As it is, jahoba's a slave driver.
Dont they already do that, spaz?