Satan Hates Child Abusers

by Farkel 5 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Farkel

    Using their own Watchtower doctrines, I can show that Satan hates those who protect child abusers and punish the abuse victims.

    Satan is the "God of this world" and runs the show. He makes governments do what he wants and outside of the Watchtower Publishing Corporation, makes every one else do what he wants, too.

    The Watchtower Publishing Corporation is guided by Jehovah alone and their doctrines and policies come directly from Jehovah.

    Satan is going to turn the governments of the world against the Watchtower Publishing Coporation because he HATES everything they do. Everything.

    The Watchtower Publishing Corporation protects child rapists and punishes the rape victims and everyone else in their membership who bring this fact forward.

    As a result, the governments are starting to turn on the Watchtower Publishing Corporation because they, under Satan's personal direction hate what the Watchtower Publishing Corporation does. In doing so, they are turning against and making themselves enemies of Jehovah God himself.

    Therefore, Satan hates child abusers and wants to see their victims get justice. On the otherhand, Jehovah fosters and protects child-rapists.

    According to actual JW doctrine, this must be the case and of course, is all Bible-Based(tm).


    Edited by - Farkel on 5 October 2002 17:2:25

  • Quotes

    Interesting point, and I agree with the logic.

    However, do you think any Dub's will "get it"?

    No, in their limited thinking, they are being "persecuted (TM)" because "Satan hates Jehovah's Organization (TM)". Period. End of discussion.

    Don't try and confuse them with the facts!

  • Wolfgirl

    I doubt JWs will get it. As was mentioned, they'll just think it means they're being persecuted, and that Jehovah's attack is imminent. I bet quite a few concerned JWs will be contacting their DF/DA'd family members to try to get them to return, thinking Armageddon is about to take place.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Armageddon for the JW's started May 28th.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    I loved your Post Farkel.


  • abbagail

    Hi Farkmeister: Good try! But you best be ready with an alternative explanation for the dub's understanding of Rev. 17:15-17, which they would surely use as a comeback to your argument. (That's the verses that say that GOD is the one who will put it into THEIR hearts (governments-beast) in order to carry out HIS thought to turn on the harlot/Babs the Great, in order to tear up her fleshy parts, et cetera et cetera et cetera. I have full confidence you'll figure something out. Of course, if they replied to you with that scripture, then it might dawn on them in a second or two, "Naaa Naaaa, Mr. Farkel, Satan is NOT the one... Look here, this says that GOD is the one -- Ooops! That means WE must be the harlot/Babs The Great..." and off they run down the sidewalk.

    Actually, when I first saw your Topic, my thought was, hey, maybe it's not too far from the truth since, when in prison, the pedo's get the ax from the other "Satan-like" criminals in there, eh? Kinda like the wicked turning on the wicked in those other scriptures the WT would use to explain how the worldlies will all turn and slaughter each other at the Big A (not the Big Apple where we just were for the March, you know, but the BIG Big A)!

    BTW, I was pleased to see someone of your "tenure" and fine reputation at this forum speaking up in the "Pro" column in the Pro/Con [>:(] thread re: Bill's Summons to the GB to attend a JC.

    And LOL @ UNDf's comment: Armageddon for the JW's started May 28th


    OK. So I went a little overboard with the emoticons... [8>]

    Edited by - GRITS on 6 October 2002 15:6:24

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