Real friends

by freedom96 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    Not to judge our witness friends or relatives at all, BUT:

    Isn't it refreshing that now we are free to have friends that do not judge us regarding what we believe, what we do, etc. All the things that as witnesses we could not do, now we can, and our friends are not going to "turn us in" for not following the WTS rules.

  • myself

    Yes it is freedom96! It is also nice to be that type of friend to others. Tolerence and respect of others beliefs even if they differ from our own. I did not trust anyone to be more then an aquaintance for years because of the conditional love that was taught.


  • gumby


    All the things that as witnesses we could not do, now we can,

    What! So your saying you can go against the direction of the 'Faithful and Discreet Slave"?

    And you can sit there and tell us we will not be held accountable?

    You are saying Jehovah has not given us rules and guidelines to live my....we can just...'do what we want'??

    Well Holy Smokey! ............bring out the kegger, twist up a fatty and let's get down!

  • freedom96

    Now that we are out "in the world" I have found it not to be a scary evil place, where you cannot trust anyone.

    Sure, there are those out there that we would never consider to be friends with, but overall, I find the people that I choose to be around warm, loving, and caring.

    And to be taught that "apostates" are so horrible, and evil. I have found from my time on this site, that the major ones to have an ax to grind, and being hateful, are the occasional witnesses that come online.

  • gumby

    Hi freedom, I agree with your statement about people. Dave (sevenoo6) said this in a post a couple of days ago about the same thing. Here it's good,

    "Why is there so much shit in the world? TV, yep that's how I see it. I get up ever day and go about my business. With the few thousand people I see everyday I rarely see anything that I would consider shit. I see people going and coming from work, driving places with their families and overall having a fairly good life. I only see the shit as we say when I turn on the TV and watch the news. I don't see it on a regular basis in my life. What I see is people being people and trying to live a happy life. From native Indians in the so called uncivilized places in the world to the people who live on the next street behind me. They are all doing the best they can and having from what I can see a fairly happy life".

    He's right. The dubs also paint a much worse drama of life than it really is. This aides their reasoning in the idea of theirs that "the time is at hand"

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