Im sitting listening to my Digital Radio (DAB) and its tuned to Planet Rock (UK). Every now and then the jingle plays rocktober (October).. plays the devils music. It got me thinking how the WTs condemns music of certain types especially Rock, Pop, Rap, well most types except Kingdom Melodies
I started to think does the Devil inspire the musician/composer to write his inspired music, are they really composing Satans music or do they compose it by there own genius/talents?
Then I thought about successful people of all talents, maybe sportspeople, artists, doctors, writers, or even businessmen/women who are successful!
The question then is, do humans have talent or is talent from the Devil/Worldly?
I know that being in the Truth stifles creativity; it has with me, and others. Maybe you feel that the Truth held you back, Armageddon is just around the corner,. no its straight ahead now mentality, so why bother practicing a talent, learning a trade or going to college!!
I love most types of music it can make me jump for joy, and sad, even cry as it often does when Im feeling down but it does me good..
Just my thoughts