GB Child molesters! Where's the proof??

by petespal2002 5 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • petespal2002

    I've read with great interest the allegations that five members of the Governing Body are child molesters. Where is the proof, because if this is true it is the ultimate answer to the 'prayers' of every member of this site, one way or the other. Don't be shy. Name names, outline dates and circumstances of alleged offences, get the police involved NOW. Get it in the papers. If it is true, as some attest vehemently, why keep it here, publish the revelation. Tell us all NOW!

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    I've read with great interest the allegations that five members of the Governing Body are child molesters.

    Where did you read that ? It better be for real if it's bandied about, or else they'll gain credibility from claiming 'false accusation'. If it is for real, surely that would just about be the end of jwism.

    I'm thinking it might be a tactic.


  • qwerty

    Bill B seems to know what he is doing. I guess we need to wait and see!

    Petespal where are you in the UK, are you anywhere near Yorkshire?

    Email me if you don't want to say on the the board.


  • SYN

    There are dozens and dozens of men who would replace the Governing Body at a moment's notice, never fear.

    But it would be good for the media to see just how far the corruption extends.

  • Mimilly

    IMHO, there is already plenty of things moving forward on the legal and media fronts. Anyone who has had any dealings with courts, lawyers etc, knows that the system moves slowly. (that is not an insult to anyone affiliated with the courts or legal system btw) It's a huge chess game that must be played correctly. No one here has inherant rights to documentation, names of witnesses, people, etc of the allegations made.

    I think it's also difficult for those on the sidelines to be patient regarding these things. The demand for proof of allegations and critisism of Silentlambs tactics on the board as of late pretty much proves that. When you are on the sidelines it's far too easy to say "On with it!" or "No, not that way!" It is a thousand times harder on the victims of abuse, who not only have to be patient, but must endure the mockery of many of those on the sidelines playing armchair lawyers.

    It's a time for patience and for support of those going through it.

    My .002


  • abbagail

    Hear Hear! to what Mimilly said (and you say it so much nicer than I ever could).

    Have some feelings for the victims, YES!

    The statement about no one here having an inherant right to the details also gets a big round of applause.


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