Dear brothers and sisters of the world. (and answering also to UnDisfellowshipped)
Excuse me always for my broken English.
I have seen many discussions in this forum, about the barcode, but want specify, that is only symbolically that I speak when I say that is the BARCODE the mark of the beast 666.
The UPC BARCODE (Universal Product Code), utilized in all the world from the organization of the trade, is his method of control of the fixed price , of the beast 666, but is only one of the modes, of make all humanity in slavery....but:
- In the next future ( not too away ) the DIGITAL ANGEL, declared from UnDisfelloshipped, is another of the methods of control, from part of the men of the "wide beast 666".
- Barcode is the method for see, with the scanner, the FIXED PRICE, necessary for the transactions of the trade, eliminating the possibility of discuss the price of every product, for the major part of the people, when go buy to the supermarkets.
- Digital Imprints or Retina Scansion for be known to the financial or bank sytem.
All these systems permit only symbolically of give the mark to all, because the real sense of "mark of the beast 666" is that of slavery all humanity, with the economical debit, for every individual person of the earth.
The freedom by this situation of poverty, the famous Economic Independence , depend only from a just economic system, based on just principles, that only servers of Jehovah will be capable of do.
Today the economic system of the beast 666, and of his satan men, dont permit of to have freedom from the poverty, because the their only objective, is that of make all men of the world in PERPETUAL AND CONSTANT DEBIT.
For this, the evolution of the his economic system is based on the creation of only great distributions in enormous trade commercial center.
Between little time, will be possible buy and sell only in these center controlled from the men of the beast symbolically speaking, but this will be more evident, when dont there will be more the condition that the money in papier, dont be more possible emit, for the bad condition of the economy of the world in serious economic recession.
This bad condition, will permit only of create a economic circuit where only the possessors of his march 666 will can buy and sell, but only with his collaborators economics.
Who accept the conditions of the beast, can operate with dispassionate, but always in slavery.
Jehovahs Witnesses dont must be slave of no one, and only mode of detract frm us this situation is only construct a new economic system capable of go against current.
The modern technologies, will permit in the future of control constantly the actions of the all habitants of the world, with biological instruments for identify the persons by means of the DNA, and so with this mode, the beast will can slavery all us.
Is not difficult understand this new light , because Jesus say that we dont must be slave of the man (1 Corinth 7:23) , and only ceasing of conforming to this things system, is possible detract the our identify with another parallel economic system, for all us Jehovahs Witnesses.
Do you want anyway understand my ANALISY OF THE ECONOMIC WORLD SYSTEM
Enrico Frassinetti