Wondered if anyone in this Vast Forum might know these two bros...
One on the left was my Watchtower Farms room mate,
named Carm Santarelli, from east of Cleveland, Ohio
and man, was we ever tight one time!
Swore our allegiance and loyalty to one another...
thing is, I kept my end of the bargain, but Carm, when I was
Kicked Out of the Kult, NEVER heard hide or hair from Carmine again!
And I've heard SO MUCH about that Dago Loyalty!
Just don't work when you are an Italian TheoKrat, evidently.
Last I heard from Carm, 10 years ago, he and his wife were hop-skipping and jumping around the globe for the WTKult engaging in construction jobs... and I guess Carm is a REEL BigShot these days.
Anyone here know him or his whereabouts?
The old Bethel Buddy to the right is Mike Pierce, from east of Columbus, Ohio, out in a town named Lancaster. We wuz tight too, at one time, but when the Kult gave me the Big Boot, NEVER heard from Mike either.
I wrote both of them, to try and communicate, but never heard back.
Mike, I think is a Society BigShot, too. An Elder and erstwhile contributor to the Kult's Writing Dept.
Oh Well, thought this forum might be a good place to hear tell what became of a couple of ghosts from my past...