Hello again,
Do you want to make the right choice?
*** w52 3/15 174-5 Choosing Now to Live Then ***
17 How are we to determine the course of action that will lead us in the right way, that will show we choose to live in the new world? It is not what a Catholic priest says, or what a Protestant preacher says, or what a Jewish rabbi says, or even what one of Jehovah’s witnesses says. It is not what some world ruler says, or what you read in the newspaper, or hear over the radio, or see through television—not what any of these propaganda channels barrage our minds with. It is not what men say; it is what Jehovah God says in his Word. Let God get a word in edgewise! Let him speak for himself! Let him be heard through his Word! Study the Bible!
I’m sure that …99% of us will agree with the quote!
Agape, J.C.MacHislopp