The Kids Go To Work - Eve's Creation Tidbit

by berrygerry 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • berrygerry

    Mr. Magnani reports his conversation with Pres. Fred Franz, and queries him about Eve being created in the same year as Adam.

    He refers Franz to the Aid book, (Topic: Eve - p. 538) which states that:

    At the age of 130 another son was born to her. Eve called his name Seth ...

    The Insight book changes this to Adam as being 130.

  • Splash

    The Aid book was released in 1971 and it was important that this teaching, that Eve was created in the same year as Adam, appeared in it.

    A few years prior to this in 1968, the WT had boldly stated that it was "logical for God to create Eve a few weeks or months later, in the same year" as Adam was created (w68 5/1 p.271 par.4).
    What this 'logic' consisted of, was never disclosed.

    The real reason, of course, was that "stay alive until '75" had been sold to the excited faithful for a number of years, and for WT's calculations to end up at the critical date of 1975 the WT needed Eve to be born in the same year as Adam.

    If there was any length of time between Adam and Eve being created, the date for Armageddon could not be 1975, and at that time there was no doubt at all that that date was indeed 1975!

    It is therefore no coincidence that immediately after 1975 was demonstrated to be a complete prophetic failure, then the date for Eve's creation also had to be recalculated.

    Hence w76 7/15 p.437 par.25 gave the hastily adjusted view that "We do not know whether it was a brief time such as a month or a few months, a year or even more" after Adam. It seems their earlier logic wasn't quite so logical after all.

    The WT of July 15th 1976 chastised those for getting ahead of themselves and believing in 1975 by saying
    "If anyone has been disappointed through not following this line of thought [that Bible chronology does not reveal a specific date], he should now concentrate on adjusting his viewpoint, seeing that it was not the word of God that failed or deceived him and brought disappointment, but that his own understanding was based on wrong premises."

    There, panic over. What were YOU thinking?

  • Vidiot

    Splash - "A few years prior to this in 1968, the WT had boldly stated that it was 'logical for God to create Eve a few weeks or months later, in the same year' as Adam was created..."

    I don't know if "boldly" is quite the right word, there...

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    in 1968, the WT had boldly stated that it was "logical for God to create Eve a few weeks or months later, in the same year" as Adam was created (w68 5/1 p.271 par.4).

    Good pick up.

    There certainly was much muddying of the waters in the years immediately after 1975:

    - Talk about "Baffling with Bull$h*t if you can't Blind with Science"!


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