'This old bulb is about to go out, let's just unscrew this old light, screw this fresh one in, new light, we have new light!'
It's always bugged me how you only see big doctrinal changes, "new light," happen right around the same time the "old light," is about to blow out.
This "over-lapping generation," teaching is the perfect example, "old light" was about to be extinguished as being impossible to maintain, "New Light brothers, we have new light!" and everyone is AMAZED, when all it is is a stop-gap fix.
"New Light," is synonymous with, "buying time." It's a farce, I wish there was a way to bring this up to still-in JWs.
Want to see the GB crash and burn for their deception. Anyone else got examples of, "new light," that conveniently came just in the nick of time?