Crocodile Tears, too little too late

by LovesDubs 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • LovesDubs

    My mother in law is upset that I would leave her...she says she is crying at my loss. And so, I replied to her:

    "Dont be sad...what do you have to be sad about? Jehovahs people are happy people, it says so right there in their propaganda, and the destruction of all those with bad heart conditions like me is a source of happiness for them. the tears for the judicial committee where you will have to convince them you believe that this is Gods Organization and that the Faithful and Discreet Slave "Class" speaks for God. as they repeatedly claim. Like S P once told me of the elders, "hey, they're just men and men can be fooled." So even dyed in the wool JWs dont believe God acts through these men. I am no loss after all, I'm just one of those evil ones, whom they say are trying to "come between you and Jehovah" as if anything could if you really loved Him. You claimed you never left Jehovah when you were out of the JWs so I dont see how you can return to serving him if you never stopped serving him. Those are words of men. And not of your heart, and said only to the purpose of them letting you back in. We both know this.

    I never believed in the Trinity, even as a I guess I am of the annointed and need to start my own religion just like the JWs. God must have given me the "truth" too according to your reason for returning, so Im going to go get some followers and start shunning everybody who thinks differently than I do. Thats all it takes obviously. You say you love Christ? Would you knowingly belong to an organization that has forsaken him and tricked people into believing the WTS were Christians? Thats exactly what this organization has done...and over the years morphed their beliefs using "new light" to accommodate whatever society's perception of them was in order to increase their member count. Do you want to belong to an organization based on lies and deceit? Does not the Watchtower condemn such organizations as the Catholic Church, the Mormons, and in fact all other religions as being based on lies and deceit? Would you be so blind as to accept your own religion's black past as being Christian when in fact it denounced Christ? If you have not read "30 Years a Watchtower Slave", you owe it to yourself, before you become trapped once again...if following CHRIST is what is in your heart and not just pursuit of the acceptance of MEN, to read it. William Schnell was THERE , a powerful man in the organization...there at the beginnings of this cult and its machinations to dominate the world and create the New World Order under the guise of a Theocracy, wanting to lure not just Christians to Christ, but anybody from ANY religion to enslave and sell their wares. He helped to BUILD it and now recoils at the monster he helped to create. If you are not willing to be honest about who these people really are, then you have no business being in the "truth", and if it is found to be a lie, then to be a part of it would be against all you have told me you believe. Will you turn your face away and pretend to not see, the clay feet of this organization? If you were a murderer, a liar and deceiver, and then suddenly after 30 years you put on a purple robe and began to preach about Bibles and love...should I forget your past and just accept this New You because you said to? Does God need to deceive people into following him? Would he back and support and bless an organization bearing his name who denounced Christ in order to increase their wealth and power? If you have any intellectual honesty left in would see that He would not. I will leave you with this exerpt. As leave you I must for the sake of my own sanity. Let God in...and quit "leaning on your own understanding" and stop telling yourself and us, that He is leading you when your heart knows thats a lie, and that your heart is leading you.

    Thirty Years A Watchtower Slave, William J. Schnell, 1956 pages 94-98

    Incorporating the Gibeonites
    Let us note in a bit more detail how they (the Org) cleverly made
    use of the Scriptural picture of the Gibeonites.
    The Gibeonites, as you will remember, were the inhabi-
    tants of a Canaanite city lying in the pathway of Israel's occu-
    pation of the Promised Land. Long before Joshua and
    the Israelites approached the environs of the city, these good
    people sent a deputation to Joshua pledging subjection and
    asking in exchange a pledge of protection. The Gibeonites
    made it appear as if they had come from a far distant country.
    It was not until after a treaty of peace had been duly made
    and ratified that it was discovered that the Gibeonites had
    tricked Joshua. Israel reluctantly honored the treaty, and
    allowed the Gibeonites to dwell in their midst and to share
    their blessings. It even fought a battle for them against the
    Canaanites. But Israel did not integrate the Gibeonites into
    itself. Instead it made of them slaves, or "hewers of wood
    and carriers of water" as the Scriptural account puts it. (See
    Joshua 9:3.27; 10:6-10.) The Gibeonites gladly accepted this
    role in exchange for the benefits which it afforded. It is this
    event which the Watch Tower Society culled out of the
    history of Israel in order to justify and interpret the role
    which it planned for the Jonadabs, or unspiritual "Great
    Multitude" within its midst. This story adapted itself admir-
    ably to the Society's purpose - even though anyone not
    already in the Watch Tower clutches and hypnotized by the
    Watch Tower jargon will have a hard time to see the
    Anyway, in this explanation the Society did not ostensibly
    lower its sights. Did it not have Scriptural precedence and
    warrant for its action? It lifted the sights even higher - to
    its Watch Tower plateau, which was actually the Highway
    to Zion of Isaiah 35. So a way was designed for the multitude
    of newcomers to live within the "New Nation.' It no longer
    mattered that they were not "spiritbegotten." They could
    dwell within the framework of God's Organization as slaves,
    as modern "hewers of wood and carriers of water," so to
    speak. (not to become Christians but to sell the WTS wares)
    What a vista for increase was opened up here far the
    Watch Tower by virtue of this explanation! The Watch
    Tower Society correctly saw that this new class was present
    by the millions throughout the land of the anti-typical Canaanites,
    namely Christendom. And so the book, Preparation
    (1933), shows in discussing the prophecy of Zechariah, this
    would not only be limited to Christendom. This class would
    be drawn from all the nations of the world, whether Christian
    or pagan, there "being ten men who grasped the coat of him
    who is the Jew." By this it meant that other nations, not of

    Christendom, also contained millions of such "people of good
    will." which latter term was intended to indicate a fine shade
    of differentiation. So, subtly here the Watch Tower Society
    was laying the groundwork: first for the emergence of a vast
    unspiritual class, and therefore an un-Christian class, out of
    the lands of Christendom; and then later, for the emergence
    of a still larger class to come from out of the pagan nations.
    a class which never so much as laid claim to the spirituality
    of Christianity. Thus naturally would the Jonadabs become
    "the Great Multitude."

    Christianity Discarded
    The Watch Tower Society had reached a point where It
    was forced to go even further. Quietly and Imperceptibly it
    now had to disrobe itself of the mantle of Christianity which
    It so long had worn for a cover and disguise. This was neces-
    sary if it were to be at all successful among the discontented
    masses within Christendom and later of Christ-hating heathendom. (The Society wanted haters of Christ in its midst as well, as these brought in money, which they pereceived they were stealing "from Egypt"...the rest of the world whom they deemed their enemy. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, they reasoned.)
    So the Watch Tower Society set about to bring a change
    in its designation or name. "The only name under heaven by
    which men can be saved" had become an "impediment to the
    progress" of the New World Society. It no longer suited its
    policy of world-rule. nor fitted its world-wide proselytizing
    purpose. A general and more universal designation had to
    be found. Looking back into their blueprint of the formation
    of Israel at old, in the Old Testament, they soon hit upon
    the Idea of calling themselves after the name of Jehovah,
    "Jehovah's Witnesses." (Are they now doing Christs command here, bringing people to Him, or to themselves?)

    In thus seeking to shed all connection with Christ they
    failed to realize that they were also publicly branding them-
    selves as opposers of Him who had provided for Christ's first
    appearance on earth for man's redemption. And what was
    equally condemning in our age, at this late stage of events,
    they set themselves as a Organization squarely athwart the
    path of Christ's second coming. They displayed the characteristics
    of "the abomination of desolation spoken of by
    Daniel, standing in the place it ought not to stand." And -
    the apostle warns concerning the anti-christ, so the New
    World Society pitted itself against the returning of Christ.
    This Watch Tower doctrine thus became a confusing and
    heady wine, Sat "would make drunken all the nations of the
    world," instead of bringing in a condition of soberness,
    advocated by Paul as being so necessary as the end
    This was now 1931, and was to mark another milestone
    in Theocracy's advance. Twelve years of "the second tier" of
    the Watch Tower Society (as I term the new set-up) had
    elapsed since 1919. Since this was a historical fact within the
    ken of all Jehovah's Witnesses who read their books, the
    Society grasped this occasion to nail down its newly adopted
    doctrines and practices. It did this by issuing a three-volume
    commemorative publication entitled Vindication (1932).
    Even though the Society had by this time disowned the
    name of Christ it did not think it inconsistent to make use
    of one of Christ's parables to further its purpose, in fact, it
    saw real advantage in doing so. This would help cover up
    the fact that it had for the sake of expediency turned its back
    on Christianity by choosing a name other than the only name
    by which men can be saved. At the same time it could give
    Christian color to its argument It found a parable which was
    admirably adapted for its misuse, namely, the parable of The
    Laborers in the Vineyard. It compared the twelve years since
    1919 to the twelve hours of the parable. All the laborers in
    the Organization were to receive an equal reward, regardless
    of the length or type of service. And what reward was that to
    be? Why, the wonderful new name, "Jehovah's Witnesses."
    This parable served their purpose wonderfully well. The
    Organization even had the counterpart of the murmurers of
    the parable. They were the older ones, or rather, the ones
    who had worked the longer. These were those of the
    Mordecai-Naomi class which had with some of the new
    Ruth-Esther class turned side in disappointment and
    dissatisfaction. But all without exception and without distinc-
    tion, even those newly come in as unspiritual Jonadabs, would
    now have one designation. The spiritual and unspiritual alike
    would be comprehended under the one name "Jehovah's
    Witnesses." Herewith the parable had served its purpose.
    This gave all, regardless of class, the same standing within
    the Organization. It made it a synagogue or assembly alike
    in breadth to the kingdom and nations of the world. In
    appropriating this interpretation of the parable the Society
    presumed itself to be a Theocracy, thereby claiming to be
    the spiritual Israel or "the New Nation" (See Rev. 29). In so
    doing it turned its back on the ecclesia or Church of Christ,
    which is selective and not all-comprehensive in its structure
    as was the Jewish synagogue. Thus, the Watch Tower So-
    ciety and its Jehovah's Witnesses ceased to be Christian in
    essence as well as in name.
    But in order to bring forth the intended multitudes from
    out of Christendom, and later from heathendom, the Organiza-
    don had to make a name for itself. The best way to
    accomplish this purpose was to go to war! It is surprising
    how well and how long the Scriptural story of the Gibeonites
    served the Watch Tower purpose. The Society now, as had
    Israel of old, went to war in behalf of its adopted "Gibeon-
    ites," the Jonadabs. It carried the battle for "freedom of
    worship" all the way from the Justice of the Peace to the
    Supreme Court. Throughout the battle the Society feigned
    the role of martyr and underdog, and emerged as a victorious
    hero. The campaign was 100 per cent successful. The details
    of this battle will be told in subsequent pages.
    Yes, the Watch Tower Organization had stooped - and
    had conquered! (end book quote)

    "There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know."
    Jeremiah 20:21 - "Hear, now, this, O unwise people that is without heart. They have eyes but they cannot see, they have ears but they cannot hear."

    Edited by - LovesDubs on 7 October 2002 13:6:17

  • pandora

    Can I copy that, and send it to my mom too?

  • LovesDubs

    Pand...whatever does the know? (((hugs)))

  • Amazing

    I Lovesdubs: I like what you stated to your mom, but the part about William Schnell is troubling. I have read his book several times, the first time when I first became a JW. While it is true that Schnell did work at the world headquarters and personally knew Rutherford (of a then very small organization) his conspiratorial speculations hurt his credibility ... he was not really all that "high up" in the organization, no more than many of the Bethelites.

    Upon reading his book again several more times after I left the organization, I found myself more at sympathy with him ... but he still lacks credibility, that is I think he was a religious nut case in his own way ... he just also happen to make an interesting ex-JW ... fortunately or unfortunately, my Roman Catholic mom read Schnell's book, and found it interesting ... many people have been affected by his book, almost as much as Ray Franz's books ... but I think Franz's work is far superior and more realistic in it treatment of the Watchtower Society.

    Part of the problem with Schnell is that he wrote from a much different time era. I think his book was first published in the 1950s, and has been re-copyrighted and republished several times since his death. So much of his material is very dated and not in line with JW jargon and methods of later decades ... whereas Ray Franz is not only closer to date, but keeps his material revised to fit changes ... but this too will change when he passes away.

    Finally, Schnell really lost me when he tried to convince the reader that the Society used the German JWs as their testing ground for new policy and teachings ... and also his world domination theory as you noted above ... knowing the history of Russell, I don't believe for a second that they are involved in world domination conspiracies ... but rather he got caught up into a vision of what he through was absolute TRVTH and the rest is history ... Rutherford was an enigma, and changed the course of the Russellite movement ... he was a classic domineering cult leader ... he left a mess for subsequent leadership to repair ... but unfiorntunately subsequent leaders are incompetant and incapable of doing more than they have done, which is to make some improvements, and then add their own unique messes ...

    If you send information to your mom, I hope that you reconsider sending Schnell's work, and instead sendf something more rational in tone, such as Franz's books.

  • LovesDubs

    Thanks Amazing :) She has already been out you know...and read Franz and the cult mentality books and such...spent three years reading it all, and I believed Schnell when I read it. The copy I have of 30 years is from 1968, 12 years after the publishing of the original. It made total sense to me that based on the mental "place" of the Germans during the formation years of the cult, and that of the Americans, that the Society would want to use what worked here as well...but that we were not as "pliable" and so needed to be approached differently here. I want her to see how the Society can form and manipulate its intended audience to see anything they want it to see when they look at the Tower. That their aim was not one of creating Christians but creating an army of faithful unquestioning followers to suit their whims of glory. Rutherford in no way even remotely resembles the direction Russell was going with this group...the post 1918 JWs were a different animal. Pared down as they were to the very very loyal...and not loyal to Christ, loyal to the Society. It has been downhill since then in my opinion. Nothing more than a Barnum and Bailey side show with carnies ripping people off at every turn. My MIL is deluding herself...but has always said she is "searching for truth". I am afraid she stopped looking.

  • Nanoprobe

    Dear LoveDubs,

    I have been following your story with your mother in law and I would like to offer a different perspective.

    If her story were made into a movie it would go something like this: Family is in a cult-- some families members realize the situation and get out. It looks like the problem is solved but of course that was just the opening few minutes Now we see the power of this cult, we see how it separates husband from wife; mother from sons and daughters and even from her own grandchildren. Well get a few potent scenes of this older woman alone at night crying. Maybe a few of her eating lunch at a restaurant all alone and watching a happy grandmother with her grandchild at the next table. Well see her sitting at home looking through the family photo album and in every scene she is crying. We see her with her daughter in law, the only one she can trust and be truthful with. But slowly we see that the older woman is forcing her own mind to reject the reality of this cult and conform to it again. She is old, she is alone, she is afraid of dying alone alienated from her own flesh and blood. She must conform and she must convince herself that the cult is right. She can never again face reality it is the price she must pay for her family. And what about her daughter in law? This woman knows deep down that this DIL is the most honorable one in the family. In fact, she is counting on the DILs humanity; she believes that this mother will not take her grandchildren away from their grandmother. At the end of the movie we cry for everyone---for the daughter in law for the grandmother, for this complicated ending. We dont blame the grandmother and yes, we do feel sorry for the daughter in law. The daughter in law is the only true hero but there is no happy ending. Most of all we hate the cult with all our might.

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