There is a growing concern that Silentlambs is dealing with two mutually exclusive issues. The hypocrisy of the WTBTS is one issue and protecting children is the other. Additionaly there is criticism of Bill Bowen's, at times, "down home" approach to dealing with the WTBTS. ( ie his letter indicting the GB and requesting a judicial hearing). Given the history of Silentlambs and its intimate relationship to Jehovah's Witnesses and considering Bill's personal sufferings and accomplishments I think it would be fair to say that these issues are not mutually exclusive . Given the dedication of Mr. Bowen I think it would be fair to say that he deserves to be given some "room " to be as human as the posters on this board. What I can"t understand is why, on the heels of the N.Y. march, others are suddenly warning the "lambs" under the guise of "Freedom of Expression" or of some non -realized threat of "putting all their eggs in one basket", why at this point are these ideas being raised. They seem to me to be premature at best and imply a self serving intellectualizing of a living movment that is finally making a difference. It seems a little like "showing off ".
WT Hypocrisy vs. Protecting Children/ SL
by Siddhashunyata 3 Replies latest jw friends
All Bill Bowen had to do to expose the hypocrisy of the Watchtower was speak to the Media about their Child Abuse Policy, and then let J.R. Brown open his mouth!
Bill has done a remarkable job at this!
Edited by - UnDisfellowshipped on 8 October 2002 5:23:26
Hi Siddha: I agree with you and UNDf'. Also, I wondered the same thing. It appeared to me all were gung-ho for the NY March beforehand, and I, too, was very surprised (and saddened) at the reactions afterward. I guess some were "disappointed" in the "results" of the March and the revelations made there.
Given the dedication of Mr. Bowen I think it would be fair to say that he deserves to be given some "room" to be as human as the posters on this board.
Absolutely he should be. For some reason, some are now feeling his "down home" approach is not "good enough" to take the SL Movement into the future, but that an articulate, polished, educated attorney would be more appropriate to act as spokesperson, representative, and mover/shaker for Silentlambs' further goals. (Ain't gonna happen, though!)
i wonder why anyone was surjprised at WTS reaction to Bill. did anyone really expect them to come out and say "Bro. we have sinned-u are right". Only when this has a finanical inpact on the WTS will they change any policy regarding anything. As I said once in the other thread about this, this child victimization will only stop when it costs the wts money. they won't change a thing until then. I am in late 40's and have been in/around jw all my life. never saw them change anything that didn't in some way benefit them . I also pointed out that i wouldn't be expecting God to bring them down anytime soon. He hasn't brought the catholic church down-or anyone else. We need legal action against the society. Money talks, BS walks.Money is what they understand. Bill needs help getting the message to the press more. The press can bring them down-we have all seen that happen .Legal action can bring change their policys.