New Light on Isahia 60:12 (Really Last Days?)

by enricofrassinetti 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • enricofrassinetti

    Dear Brothers and Sisters.

    I hope that you have seen these scriptures, on Isahia 60:12, about the conditions, before of Harmagheddon.

    1. If here there is written that Jehovah's People, must to be richs, because will be that are sucking the nations resources, when this must to succeed?
    2. How we can suck resources to the nations, if their there are not more, because directly destructed from Jehovah?

    If we must to suck resources to the nations, will be possible do it, only if we live with their and at the same time.......this is the singular answer.

    About this and with many analogies with Revelation about the mark of the beast that obblige all to receive his mark for to buy and to sell, eyes of the intelligence must see that the Jheovah's People must to be separated from the his economic systems and financial transactions, included that religious and politically.

    I am thinking, that this i am saying, not is very difficult from to understand, and maybe, about all letters that i am written in the forum/friends ,about the Fixed Price and the Barcode how that of Digital Angel and about the slavery from the debit, i believe that is better to analyze it.

    If you read Ezechiel 38:10-13, about the condition into Gog of Magog that are combating against the Jehovah's People, eliminate all the doubts, because the condition of wealth, not only that spiritual, must to be profited before of the conditions of the days of Hermagheddon.

    For this i sustain that we have the obligation of construct an economic system capable of to suck the resources to the nations.

    I hope that these informations will be accepted with the importance that it has.


    Enrico Frassinetti

  • gumby

    Hello El Rico- San fransico! Peace to you to.

    There is one problem here. Here it is below

    Dear Brothers and Sisters.

    That's the problem. I think you may have better success with your hard efforts and talked to STRICKTLY Jehovah's Witnesses. A lot of us here are not.......most of us. Am I trying to run you off? Kinda......cus what you say here would do better at the other place.

    Can one of you direct brother Rico Franscisco to this site?

    Well take care, it was nice having ya, asta lavista, sigh-ya-nara, take-er easy. Never trust whitey, don't take any wooden nikles, shit and shinola and all that other stuff. See ya

  • SYN

    This guy seems to be obsessed with SUCKING!

  • WTinfiltrated


    IS NOT A JW.

    He was disfellowshipped.



  • enricofrassinetti



    Obsessed of say that i am been Disfellowshipped. (I don't know why). But him, evidently have forgotten of say that before of this action from elders, i have declared my unction from Jehovah in the 1999.

    Good for him that have stopped of say disfellowshipped for fraud.


    Enrico Frassinetti

  • enricofrassinetti

    Why SYN?

    Not is so?

    Why say that i am obsessed, if is the truth?

    Yes............... i am obsessed, but because all the servers of the real God, have this obligation.

    If someone don't want to operate in these senses, it is free of not operate, but is a his personnel choice.

    My obligation is that advise all to this "New Light" in very near the proximity of the Great Tribulation, with the shock of the economies.


    Enrico Frassinetti

  • gumby

    Now Now El Rico,

    You do know I am literary Profiler and I can tell by the Phraseology you use that your poor dialect is all made up. Come out come out...whoever you are.

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