Many wives of ministerial servants or elders wear no makeup( not that you have to), wear dowdy clothhes, are overweight; why? Jealousy of the more well kept women. Are there any wives of servants or ex-servants, elders' wives of ex-elders's wives lurking here?
Wives' appearance
by Ray6 9 Replies latest jw friends
why do you want to know????????????????????????????
I was an elder's wife for 25 years. What you say wasn't true in our area. It almost seemed like a contest, at conventions, to look better than the others. There were a few who looked "dowdy" but they always was their custom.
William Penwell
I have to agree with Mulan, My experience has been that most elders and ministerial wives were some of the best dressed sisters in the congregation.
My dresses were absolutely too long but I always tried to make up for it in other ways.
Also, I'm not fat!
Well, I was not married to one of them, I was and still am married to a NON JW But I think it was 50/50
Some elders and MS wives dressed absolutely classy.; Looked fab actually. ; Great hair cuts too with the latest trendy styles; There were those as Mulan said that were "dowdy" but they would have been regardless of their religion.; There's just that sort out there I suppose. -
I suppose it is common to our area. I try to do the best I can, but I just notice a lot of wives looking burnt out, just unconcerned about their appearance, and the obesity is so widespread.
I also agree with Mulan. The contest atmosphere was prevelent in every congregation I was ever in. The congregation I grew up in was pretty poor and nearly all the sisters did home sewing, keeping themselves tastefully dressed. I and most of my peers always had new dresses for assemblies and the memorial made from patterns reflecting the latest styles. Though I must admit some choices were made based solely on the Witness lifestyle. Many of the types of clothing I used to wear have no place in my wardrobe now.
And yes, some people are just dowdy, and would be regardless of what religion they were.
RN---who was once called "Jezebel" because of wearing two bracelets on the same arm.
Many wives of ministerial servants or elders wear no makeup( not that you have to), wear dowdy clothhes
Not round here they dont!
BluesBrother ( Of the "Shouldnt be distracted at meetings class)
Most sisters look pretty good. They look better than the husbands. ...But, I don't look at the husbands anyway.