Because this site has taken a survey of past or current Ministerial Servants and posted a list, I think it is important to make it clear that: Not one Ministerial Servant was appointed by Holy Spirit.
Current and ex Ministerial Servant are no more special or important than anyone else. In fact some are a lot less trustworthy than the average.
On this note I would like to hear from all of you two things:
1) What you saw some do to get appointed?
Buy the CO and his wife a 2 week trip to see the Holy Land.
Marry the POs daughter
Kiss some major ass
All of the above
2) Some ways you saw Ministerial Servant feeding themselves off the flock.
Stealing carpet.
Having sex with the wife of his bible student.
Molesting the neighbors daughter
Lying about all of the above
Just the facts. No names please.