I swear, if this recording would have picked up my saying, "F--k you!, I'd have said it. Geezzzzz, give me a break. How in the hell is one supposed to take care of busines when all you get is some recording! Choose this or that option; number 1 through 5. How about a real live human that might possess intelligence enough to deal with the given situation.
Finally I got a "real" person. Geez, what a concept. Professionalism - how is a machine professional? Yeah, I'm getting old alright. The "good old days" when one needed to communicate with a thinking person who could actually carry on a dialogue - whether or not they could correct the problem, they were able to refer you to the source of help.
And wait!the machine tells you as though everyone is an idiot how to speak and spell. OMG. Do they really believe everyone is stupid! and can't follow directions without spelling it out phrase for phrase? If anyone is an idiot, it's gotta be the person who invented automated voices.
Is this just another example of NWO that takes away any personal connection yet tells us how we should be so "sensative" to the needs of those who are different?