Pocket Farkel? Fannie Farkel?

by unclebruce 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce

    G'day tax dodgers,

    I accidently on purpose typed "Farkel" into a search engine today and it threw up all sorts of interesting stuff from Farkel enterprises to FredFarkel and family. Buggered if I know what's going on: http://www.pocketfarkel.com/

    cheers unclebruce, spilling coffee on his Farkel shirt while slurping from his Farkelmug.

    PS: Anyone with light to shed on the enigmatic entrepeneurial capitalism of our very own professor Farkelmeister is invited to comment.

    I don't care if it rains or freezes,
    Long as I got my plastic Jesus
    Riding on the dashboard of my car,

    I don't care if Hell freezes over
    I aint rid'n with Jehovah
    Sit'n there a threatn'n me with crack

    I'm so glad that I met Farkel
    We all know "the truths" a debarkel
    and we ain't never goi'n back ...

    If only this board had "voice" :( ... Nevermind - Get UncleBruce's Greatest Hits CD Vol.1. - just send just $29.99 and some Tally-Ho tobacco papers to OnionFreeZone Tathra Beach New South wales.

  • unclebruce

    Part II -

    Who on earth is Fanny Farkel? : http://www.geocities.com/fannie_farkel/index.html

    And what about Farkel breeding in Baton Rouge? : http://www.serve.com/BatonRouge/ffarkel.htm

    ... curiouser and curiouser

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