Very sad news - Amber Scorah

by Nicky Whitehouse 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Nicky Whitehouse
    Nicky Whitehouse
    Many of you know Amber Scorah as the ex JW Writer who wrote this very inspiring article: ... cle_scorah

    She has been an inspiration to many, many people as they navigate their way through the many feelings and issues that come with leaving the JW Cult.

    Amber is also my cousin.

    On Monday, she lost her 3 month old baby son, Karl. ... .html?_r=0

    Understandably, she is devastated - and now facing mounting medical bills, funeral expense and more. A foundation has been set up to help them face these costs. I hope it is ok to post here. Any who can help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,
  • freein2004
    I' so sorry. How unbelievably tragic
  • JWdaughter
    So sad for them. I'm sorry.
  • Magwitch

    Absolutely heartbreaking

  • Ding
    Very, very sorry.
  • ShirleyW

    I read the story in the NY Daily News and the name rang a bell because of your post here, I also saw the story covered on the news here just about every night. I didn't open the attachments above when I first read this post. They now say the baby died from SIDS

  • AudeSapere

    Tragic and Heart-breaking. I cannot imagine the pain.


  • Nicky Whitehouse
    Nicky Whitehouse

    Hi all,

    Thank you to everyone for your kind words.

    Just to clarify, the cause of death has still not been determined and at this point there is no indication of SIDS. The results of the autopsy are not completed yet and wont be for at least two more weeks.

    What has been printed so far have been false reports. It is very important that we do not speculate and wait for the official report.

    Again, thank you for your condolences and support,

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