Dubya = Hitler?

by teejay 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay

    seen on the Net...


    German Justice minister says Bush uses Hitler tactics!

    The regional Schwaebisches Tagblatt newspaper quoted Ms Daeubler-Gmelin, as saying: "Bush wants to divert attention from his domestic problems. It's a classic tactic. It's one that Hitler used."

    The White House is in quite a tizzy over this

    "This statement by the justice minister is outrageous and inexplicable," Mr Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer told reporters.

    Hmmm, why is it inexplicable? Paint an ethnic group as the demon to distract from a collapsing economy, then maybe have a good rousing war to boot? That IS what Hitler did.

  • blondie

    That politician has already apologized and resigned office.

  • RandomTask

    Do you even remember what happened on September freaking 11? Oh right, you are probably one of those conspiracy theorists who thinks it was the CIA or something, great.

    Has there been any effort on behalf of the Bush administration to blame a race or religion for what happened? I don't think so, quite the opposite in fact.

  • plmkrzy
    Bill Bowen of SilentLambs says Ray Franz wrote the book on Hitler tactics!

    The regional Schwaebisches Tagblatt newspaper quoted Mr Bowen, as saying: "Franz wants to divert attention from his domestic problems. It's a classic tactic. It's one that Hitler used."

    The DB is in quite a tizzy over this

    "This statement by the Silent Lambs leader is outrageous and inexplicable," Mr Franz spokesman yadda yadda told reporters.

    Hmmm, why is it inexplicable? Paint an ethnic group rape victims as the demon to distract from a collapsing spirituality, then maybe have a good rousing war to boot? That IS what Hitler did.

    Do I get an A Professor teejay?

  • teejay

    I will assume that Blondie is correct in saying that the German politician that made the quote has resigned. Still, that doesn't alter what was said.

    And yes, Random Task, I seem to recall once seeing a blurb on the tube -- something about an airplane and a skyscraper or something like that? Sometime in September, 01, if I'm not mistaken.

    Still, that doesn't alter the present situation. The recession here in the US deepens and the Bush Administration, rather that focus on ways to improve it, talks of its goal of making preemptive strikes against Iraq, a country with NO KNOWN LINKS to al-quaida and NO PROVABLE THREAT TO US.

    So far the tactic has been sucsessful in diverting attention of the populace away from how bad things are here -- reminiscent of what Hitler did 60 years ago. A good war never hurt the economy, though.

  • GermanXJW

    Mrs Daeubler-Gmelin did not apologize and did not resign. She denied that she made the quoted statement.

    Nevertheless, she states that she indeed said in a presentation in front of several unionists and a journalist that Bush was using the war threat to divert attention from his domestic problems. And she stated that this is no new tactic. A discussion started. When one of those present mentioned Hitler, she at once said that she did NOT compared Bush to Hitler.

    The next day, the journalist made the headline "Daeubler-Gmelin compares Bush to Hitler". Several unionists made a solemn declaration that Daeubler-Gmelin is correct and did not made the link Bush-Hitler.

    It was just a few days before the elections and should influence the result.

    Daeubler-Gmelin did not resign but said that she is will not be part of the new government. (Which is only short from resigning but not the same.)

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