Question #1.It was onced taught by the wt.That the proof that life only exists on earth and not anywhere else in the universe is the fact that this is the place where satan raised the issue of universal sovereignty.and that if there was life elsewhere he would of raised it there.Also,this is the only place in the universe that Jesus died to settle that issue.My question is,if this is true, then ,is evolution and life elsewhere a non-issue.Question #2. GOD created spirit creatures some went bad others did not.GOD created fleshly creatures some went bad others did not.My question is,why do good creatures in the spirit realm see God live wihout any growing old and dying.While good fleshly creatures grow old and die.Is it fair that good spirit creatures are immune,and good fleshly creatures suffer horribly.The answer of inherited imperfection is not sufficient because its not the fault of the good fleshly creature.I realized that i prefaced both questions with a premise then asked the questions.If my first question is not true, and many believe it is not,just as many believe it is.Then evolution and life elsewhere is possible.As to my second question i am asking is, are the two kinds of life that God has giving fair to fleshly creatures. Thank you for your thoughts . Blueblades
two questions
by Blueblades 5 Replies latest jw friends
1. Yes
2. Yes, because unfaithful spirit creatures are cursed with almost unbearable halitosis.
The idea that the earth is the only place in the cosmos where life exists is just plan infantile. It's nothing more than a variant of the Catholic teaching the earth was the center of the universe - everything else orbiting around it. The subject idea merely changes the argument from an earth centered universe to a HUMAN centered universe.
As usual, JW reasoning is as superficial as ever.
My personal belief is that when any of the children of God are made to suffer because of default or failure of their spiritual guides, thus having to endure life as it is lived on this blighted planet, they later in thier universe career become especially powerful type spiritual beings who can believe without seeing, continue in any project while utterly alone, and persevere triumphant against insupperable odds. We gonna be powerful spirit honchos, I bet.
Golden Girl
I ask myself questions like that all the time! That is one reason I have a hard time believing in a god! You wouldn't believe the questions that go through my head!!!!!!!!
You just touched the surface!
Golden Girl...aka..Snoozy
Good questions. I suggest reading this with an open mind, I have had similar questions, and I found this to read, it made alot of sense to me.
I know you are skeptical but try reading with an open mind. What have you got to lose besides a few minutes of your time?
Blueblade, there's really no answer to your question, because it's all made up. It's like speculating on what motivates Darth Vader. He's not real. He exists only in George Lucas' imagination. For an answer to your question, you would need access to the imagination od Fred Franz.