by paulie34 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • paulie34

    This is windrider,

    This will probably be my last post. There is no reason any longer to use my time in this forum to present any research I have made that may be able to save lives. This site has degenerated into urinating contests and I see no further need to be a part of this. I am at risk in compromising myself each time I do go onto a public forum. I respect Bill and Ray for what they are doing.


    125 courageous individuals, including myself, marched on the Watchtower. Can anyone of you comprehend the gravity of what has been transpiring?

    It should have been 5,000 courageous people.


    Their power base is being challenged. Are you going to go quietly into the night?

    I was part of the protest movements of the late 1960's and 70's when injustices were being challenged. I remember that time and stood up for what was right. Whether it were issues involving the genocide of Native Americans or the Vietnam War. Voices were heard and they did not go quietly into the night.

    Are you going to be "armchair activists?"

    These people have stolen lives. They are a business. They are in the business of trading lives for profit.

    You need to use your senses and go after these guys with every available resource on the planet.

    Seek the truth....


  • Nordic


  • Dutchie

    Windrider, please don't be chased away. We need your voice on this forum.

    I am listening and there are others that are listening too.

    Edited by - Dutchie on 10 October 2002 10:24:14

  • Texas Apostate
    Texas Apostate

    I am with you windriver. We all need to be activist. It doesn't help to attack one another. We need to learn from the past and remember what methods worked to achieve an end result ie. civil rights protest. These people in the ivory tower have ruined hundreds of the thousands of lifes. They have stolen from us. Grandparents, Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers. They have divided us. They have physically and psychologically abused us. How much longer are we going to stand by the side lines and just watch the parade go by? I am guilty of this. Are you. What are you willing to give to finally make this tower crash to the ground? Money? Time? Blood? Sweat? Tears? There have been alot of brave people out there who have sacrificed alot to save us from the borg. They have spend hours of research. printed books. set up internet sites. All so that people likes us could have the information on the borg at the click of a button. These old men have pretty much ruined my life. I may be down but I am not out. I have just recently found out about the abuse that own sister endured. My own mother is pleading for my sister to go to the meetings even though she is the one who did not stop my own father from peeping on my sister when she would take a shower. Or sneak in here room and touch her in her sleep. She was almost raped by a M.S. when she was visiting his daughter. My brother was later molested by this same "brother". My mom should have turned in that son of a bitch when he tried raping my sister. Then this mother f?cker would have never touched my brother. These are the things I have just recently found out about. I AM MAD. HELL TO THAT, I AM F$CKING FURIOUS. When are we all going to unite under one banner to fight the good fight? When are we going to say Enough IS Enough? We all have similiar stories. One word sais it all, ABUSE. We have all been abused by this excuse of a religion. Does it help to pick at each other? Think about it...

    Windriver please dont give up. I beg you. please keep helping us.

  • Texas Apostate
    Texas Apostate

    Come on guys! Let's have some ideas! Remember David vs. Goliath? Give windriver every reason to stay and help us. Let's keep the momentum growing. Why not fight fire with fire.

  • rwagoner

    I too have sat quietly for years, taking what they hand out to my family who are still in and not wanting to make waves. This latest round of New Light in the August KM is yet another attempt to silence those who question the Organization and this time I am DETERMINED not to go quietly.

    I have told my parents, who are still on the inside, to expect a firestorm as I refused to just go quietly. I've gone VERY public about the Organization and the various issues surrounding the JW's of late, including the UN, Pedophiles, Defense Contracts and others.

    I agree that we all need to concentrate our efforts and put out the same material with a unified message. We need to focus on getting attention from the general public and the media and also chip away at the WBTS little by little when possible. Try as I might, I will not change my parents beliefs anytime soon, the hold that the JW's have on them is just too strong. Trying to make our point to active JW's is noble but VERY frustrating as we all know but when the general public learns about the truth behind the Watchtower they are usually amazed and the facts can have a HUGE impact.

    While there are several groups that are active against the JW's they seem to mostly be Issue Specific as opposed to just generally against the Organization and exposing the policies, beliefs and teachings. When outsiders hear even the basics from someone who was once on the inside they can't believe it sometimes. We've seen on this board recently how the public reacts to the JW's at their door once they have the facts. If we can educate the public then perhaps the JW's will begin to experience more of this type of response from the general public as well as from us Apostates.

    I would certainly support unified efforts for exposing the "Truth" publically and would love to be involved in the brainstorming on what action or efforts might be most effective.


  • out4good3


    It is my belief that revolutions don't happen overnight nor is there a bright light shown on a mass of people giving them the same idea and the will to act at the same time. Every idea of change starts with one person with a vision or agenda, and it usually snowballs from there. Every march I've seen against the Society before 9/27 has been sporadic at best, consisting of a few people at conventions who individually can be seen as nothing more than troublemakers to be ignored by the R\F members. Even though the march in Brooklyn was small it made a profound statement whose future repercussions can now only be guessed. The organized march by JW's and non-Jw's together against the WT was, even though I couldn't attend, nothing short of spectacular even if only 125 people showed up. At the rate newbies are showing up on this and other forums daily coupled with the monthly apostofests, the questioning of the authority of the WT is sure to grow. The WT is on the ropes now, reeling from scandal after scandal and from one failed prophecy after another. Thier supposed growth is nothing more than a pipe dream to keep the R\F members thinking that they have God's approval. To keep and recruit new members in developed countries where their financial support is they'll be forced to change whether they want to or not. Your research, and further, everyones support, however small, contributes to their hopefully changing for the better.

    I appreciate the efforts of you, hawkaw, amazing, and every poster who shares their research both here and on other boards. I've learned more about the org in the last nine months I've been here than of the whole year and a half that I studied and the two years I was in their grasp till my conscious compelled me to leave. But I've come to realize that although there seems to be contests on who can piss the farthest here, it is much the same all over the world and most especially in "Jehovah Loving Organization". All you have to do is strike a balance between presenting the factual information that continues to not only help the few who post and engage in these contests, but also the thousands who lurk, and actively ignore the flame wars. That's what I do. Hopefully you'll choose to do the same.


    (Just another fu***** opinion)

  • BluesBrother

    WindRider is fired with zeal and we admire that.. But not all of us are free to publicly take up the gauntlet because of family connections. Do I have to chose a divorce?

    Simpy posting intelligent information here is a powerful message I have been helped immeasurably and as someone said , there must be thousands of lurkers - perhaps young people who will be influenced not to be be baptised.

    Keep on posting . Influence the board for good , and think of the good you are doing.

  • rwagoner


    While I agree with the others and understand that some are not able to be "public", there are those of us the feel the need for a more public statement. As I said in my first post, I sat quietly for far too long and now I feel the need to act. Action is different for each person given their circumstances. For some it is quietly researching and posting, for others it is marching and public protest.

    I guess all that I'm saying is that if you are able to identify a group of people here on the board for a more "public" statement or want to try to coordinate efforts and messages...I would like to be a part of that discussion.

    I am greatfull for the research and posting of others and for the public statements and actions of those who came before me and now is my time to act as well. Even if it is just one or two people in each area that can put themselves "out there" in the public eye..the attention overall could certainly add up.

    I am no expert on public protest and to be honest am pretty conservative, never been much of a sign waver, but I finally have reached the point in my life that I won't let them shun me anymore. It is time for me to step up...time for me to become one of the activists.


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