got more important things to do

by outoftheorg 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • outoftheorg

    I am going to leave off coming to this forum. I have made copies of the attorneys posts on here and want to send copies to those lawyers who might want to jump in and make some money on jw child abuse cases.

    This may stir the pot some. Also I am putting some of the more interesting and easy to understand information about the jw failed prophecies etc. on the message boards in the areas stores-library-restaurants in the area.

    I may or may not come back. I don't have the time to deal with all the crap now going on and search for the few useful posts in the mass of useless nonsense that is here at present.


  • ballistic

    fair-play mate - all the best.

  • SpannerintheWorks

    Sorry you feel that way, OOTO,

    Personally, despite the recent flame wars, I still feel this is a great place to be!

  • ugg

    best to you,,,good bye....

  • Sentinel

    Sometimes, we are at a going through our our own personal situations, where triviality seems somehow "wrong" on this forum. If we are going through a serious phase, and the forum seems to be "out of it", perhaps we just need to take a break. Perhaps they are not as "out of it" as we are ourselves.

    Keeping our sanity amidst the ever changing issues in the world is an ongoing project. People face issues in different ways. I think it helps we we can see some levity on the forum. For instance, in our area, we have a Serial Sniper and the anxiety is extremely high. Yet, life goes on for everyone else. Why should they have to "feel" everything I feel over the matter, or even comment? Although it's serious for me, other people here are at a different place.

    We are all trying to live in this world and cope with the things we are faced with. Wherever we choose to go for encouragement or help is our choice. On this forum, we can take what we need and leave the rest. We can leave for awhile and come back. It's our choice.

    Sometimes, I notice it helps if we just come right out and ask for what we need. It is a give and take. Your posts have always been encouraging to me.

    Love and Light,


  • outoftheorg

    Thanks for the replies guys.

    Yeah Sentinel I know what you mean. I have so many projects around the home to do and I like to come to this forum for a break and information and incouragement. I like to help others if I can and the proliferation of rather nasty threads with what I consider are accusations from both sides that take up so much of the forum are a disapointment.

    I don't tolerate a lot of useless arguments. At least they seem useless to me. Maybe not to others. It seems to me that a lot more can be accomplished if there is some semblance of a common goal that all of us put first in the forum. I thought the goal was to expose the wbts for what it is, in an effort to help the abused and shed light on the falshoods. Some times it seems that the goal shifts to having our way or bashing someone or winning the arguments only.

    Well thanks again I am going to give it a rest.

    PS- Sorry to hear about the sniper in your area and the turmoil and fear that generates.


  • Robdar


    Take care and come back when you can.



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