DC ooopps I mean RC

by tresdecu 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • tresdecu

    So, I gotta go this weekend. UGH!!! FML!!! $#@%&!!!

    anyway just curious what the vibe is toward inactive ones...be nice to them??? or little bit of cold shoulder ???

    I know there is some kind of brochure...to bring "them" back to the fold, curious as to the tone of the talk.


    & do they go on and on about PORN?! again....

  • DesirousOfChange

    Threre is the new brochure released about helping inactive ones "return to Jehovah". But all that excitement will fizzle as quickly as a fart on a hot stove and everyone will be back to spending their Sat mornings mostly at Starbucks and hitting a few Not-At-Homes.

    IF they are ever told they can "count their time" when making calls on inactive ones, then there will be an upsurge in the efforts as it's much easier than knocking on the doors of people they don't know.


  • tresdecu

    Thanks DOC ! Also, if anyone has heard the talk that goes with it, I am curious to know the tone...are they (drones, dubs) told to be kind, brotherly etc...

    the experience I have had the last few years has been 50/50, some are nice and talk to me like I never became inactive, others treat me like I am df'd.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Ostensibly the brochure is to show the GB's (oops I mean Jehovah's) love for those that are inactive, but the real reason is to pigeonhole inactive people into a few categories to explain to the R/F why people are inactive. This just shores up in their mind 1. inactivity is "leaving jehovah" and 2. there is no valid reason to become inactive.

    The brochure won't change anything. Actually, if anything, it'll make things worse once they try to use the brochure on someone and they don't respond - now they're inactive and ungrateful/obstinate.

  • Elisa1966

    The new brochure s just public relations. They can say: "Look, we care for inactives, we reach out our hands!"

    It's just propaganda...

  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate
    No one has a clue what to do with that f*cking "brochure", we have all been taught to stay away from people who don't go to meetings and ministry. So now we can be friends? Conflicting messages for the R&F.
  • C0ntr013r

    The talk and the "attitude" towards inactive once where: be kind and gentle with them. They don't need to be told that what they did was bad, they know this already. We need to help them back with love. Showed a video of how a inactive one was afraid to attend the memorial because she thought she would be received badly and then when she did go she was hugged and love bombed. People where admonished to seek out and help "weak once".

    Don't think there was a lot of porn mentioned either, not much of that when Jesus lived ;) Think it came up briefly a few times, not sure.

  • tresdecu

    oneeyejoe...good point.

    Thanks C0ntr013r for your observation !!

    ...not looking forward to this :-/

  • Crazyguy
    Tells us how it's goes for you.

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