Dinner with an "Annoited" one

by johnathanseagull 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • johnathanseagull

    Hmmmm don't think I've ventured as far as posting any personal experiences but how about this one. As a very very impressionable 16 year old, I happen to be at dinner with parents at an "Annoited" person's house. She was single in her sixties then and carried an air of.......mmmm lets say mystic (for the want of a better word)........lunch was served and it was all very serine as you could imagine being in the presence of such a person. After dinner we did as one did in those days, talking about the wonderful things one can do in the new system!!!........when my (twin) brother spouted out "How long do you think it will be then"....we all looked at her with baited breath......she answered "I can't see this wicked world lasting another five years at most" ....that was in 1983!!!! LOL.

  • Prisca

    she answered "I can't see this wicked world lasting another five years at most" ....that was in 1983!!!!

    Didn't we all.....

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    That was nineteen years ago.

    I wonder how she'd answer that question today?

    Four years, maybe?

    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 11 October 2002 22:1:37

  • freeman

    I give it another six months max.


  • larc

    Hey, I just got word that it is going to end this Sunday after all the football games are over. God is so kind about these details, don't ya think? Prisca promised me that if the Big A started in Australia, she would e-mail me so I could have my last meal, the best out of my refrigerater and/or freezer. I promised I would do the same for her if the big A hits here first.

  • emancipated

    anyday now.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hey, look!

    It just started raining!

    This is the BIG ONE! Elizabeth, I'm coming to join you honey!

  • Dismembered
    That was nineteen years ago.

    I wonder how she'd answer that question today?

    Four years, maybe?

    She's probably say Oh it's just around the corner.


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