As a loyal Witness, I often considered the words of Galatians 5:22,23 . The Apostle Paul's words there list what are known as the "Fruitages of the spirit". We were encouraged to work on these qualities day by day, in order to be the complete Christian. I went through them and tried to work on them by studying the individual qualities one by one, and seeing how I can reflect those words in my dealings with other people.
Fruitages of the spirit:
- Love
- Joy
- Peace
- Long-suffering
- Kindness
- Goodness
- Faith
- Mildness
- Self-control
These are all fine qualities, of course, and I hope I can continue working on them after I leave the witnesses. However, a little earlier, Paul spoke about what are known as "The works of the flesh". Looking at the list here, they all seem like a lot of fun to me:
Works of the flesh:
- Fornication
- Uncleanness
- Loose conduct
- Idolatry
- Practice of spiritism
- Enmities
- Strife
- Jealousy
- Fits of anger
- Contentions
- Divisions
- Sects
- Envies
- Drunken bouts
- Revelries
Like the "Fruits of the spirit" I am now working on this list too. I am now at "enmities" today, and as soon as I can figure out what on Earth it is, I will give it a try.
Now, I'm really interested, in both the good people of and the bad. So what "Fruit of the Spirit" or "Work of the Flesh" are you all working on today?