"See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time." -- Robin Williams CIAO4NIAO!! alfie
Thought for the Day
by alfie 5 Replies latest jw friends
What about women? since they only get the blood once a month there -that should prove men should only get it once a month also..... Right ??????I will pass that off in my marriage counselling Girls give men "it" once a month. Thanks for the insight Alfie
Well, Mouthy, that will never work because the cat got out of the bag a loooooong time ago that women like sex as much - well, ALMOST as much - as men. And most of the women I know would not put up with sex once a month. I know a few who would not put up with it only once a day. And "they" say that sex is all a man can think of. HAR HAR HARDEE HAR HAR.
As for the blood in a man only working one head at a time, I submit that even if that's true, at least we're always thinking with SOMETHING. What are you doing every 28 days? Surely you don't call it thinking.
I think women enjoy it more - they can have one O after another, like waves crashing on a beach, while we guys are spent after just one.
*LOL* dan..speak for yourself...
Oh well I tried to "cut you all off" guess it didnt work !!!!!!Drats!!!!!
Valis???? I wonder about you????