
by alfie 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • alfie

    Well, it's Thanksgiving for us here in the Great White North, and We (my wife and I) wanted to extend our thoughts of gratitude to all on the board. It's a funny thing, the way the WBTS tells us that we shouldn't have to set aside a special day for the giving of thanks; that it should be something we do automatically every day. However, I find myself reflecting on the time spent in servitude to this organization and recall how to the average R&F witness, every day was spent, not on thoughts of giving thanks, but rather on ekeing out an existence and pounding a beat with the literature supposedly designed to draw people's attention to God's kingdom. It seems to me that "the world" does a better job at focusing people's attention on the need to be grateful for "small mercies". Not, of course, that everybody thinks in this way, a lot seeing Thanksgiving as just another long weekend, still in all, I think the WBTS could learn something(perish the thought) from people for whom it has such contempt. Just a thought.



  • mouthy

    Have a wondeful Thanksgiving Weekend Alfie!!!!& family

  • Mimilly

    Taken from a thread I posted a few pages earlier regarding Thanksgiving.

    Well, for Canadians anyway, it's this weekend. I hope everyone has a safe holiday and gets a chance to have some precious moments with their loved ones.

    It's especially sweet for me this year. I received my first pay cheque this week and was able to buy groceries for the first time in quite awhile.

    I have a great job, only three weeks old.

    I got to see my mom for an overnight visit and she got to see the changes in me. To see her beam with pride was a dream come true. She's been waiting a long time for me to get on my feet after what's happened.

    I have a three day weekend, which I'll not have again due to my job, and for these three days I will be with my two treasures, Beth and Shelene.

    And along with them, I'll curl up and watch movies, nosh on food and let our two dogs, two cats, and two kittens entertain us with their endless antics.

    Lots of hugs, kisses and snuggling. Beth and I will be nursing Shelene back to health after her operation on her mouth this morning. (dental work - a ligament had to be removed from the top and inbetween her front teeth to her lip) I'm gonna take care of my 'baby'. (she's 18yrs)

    While I'm certainly an appreciative and thankful person on a daily basis, this is the very first time Thanksgiving has meant more than a 'day off'. It's extra super sweet and I will bask in appreciation. With each year, I break the psychological chains from the borg more and more.

    This year, Thanksgiving marks great changes in my life - all for the better. I intend to celebrate.

    Have a good one and keep safe.

    hugs, Mimilly

  • alfie

    Hi Mim, I wasn't trying to steal any thunder. Actually I didn't even know there had been a post re Thanksgiving as I don't read every article on the board. I just had to express myself. My sincerest apologies.



    Edited by - alfie on 13 October 2002 19:53:30

    Edited by - alfie on 13 October 2002 19:54:22

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