Sorry you have been feeling so bad CC. I have arthritis too, mostly in my feet. I have had it since I was a little girl. Two surgeries, many prednoisone shots. The doctors only allow me 3 shot a year, they are done right in the foot too. THe foot hurts real bad, and the shot puts me off my feet or on cruches for a few days, then it gets better. Celebrex helps some, but not great in my case. Hot water feels the best, but not too practical to walk around in buckets of hot water!!!
I feel the way you do, I only get real down a few times a year, and try not to let it keep me down.
In fact I dance all I can ,,even thou it hurts, because I am way past needed surgery again on one foot, the other will need it soon too. It lays me up for over 6 months healing and I don't want to be stuck at home.
Since I left the borg, I have found dancing at clubs to be great fun, so unless the pain is more than I can bare, I will dance a little longer. I sit when I have to.
The doctor told me the bones in my feet are starting to seperate from the arthritis and that is what hurts so bad, like there are bigger spaces in them now.
I hope you have a good doctor CC, that helps alot when you have a bad flare up.
Have you tried those thermawraps,,,,,not sure what the real name of them are but I have used them for ummmmmmmmm,,, female cramps,,,,,( embarrassed ) but hey they help. Once you open the package the little rocky crystals in them heat up and last about 6 to 8 hours, and it gets pretty warm. You can get them at wal-mart, and they don't have that ben gay stuff in them. I recommend them because you can wear em under your clothes and work, and if it is not a hot day, you don't feel like you are burning up.
Let us know if you find any other pain treatments, we all have to find ways to live with this illness, it refuses to go away..... tell Tink hi for me.............dede