Sorry I vanished for awhile

by CC Ryder 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Hey Everyone..Sorry for the disappearing act. I got real busy at work and helping Tink recover and was just too worn out to post. I did get on occasionally to read some to stay up with some of the topics. I am home today from work with a bad arthiritis attack. I get them when the weather changes. We have had some heavy rain here in Tn on and off for a couple weeks and it's finally effecting me. The way I look at it though is I only get down (layed up in bed) a few times a year, and there are some who get totally incapacitated from this disease, so I consider myself fortunate to be able to function fairly normal compared to those who can't. Anyway, I'll be trying to post some as long as I can stand sitting by the computer...=:-)>


  • mouthy

    Oh my sympathy CC. I have the same thing also. What are you taking for it? I was in so much pain -had to wear braces etc: couldnt bend, lift -you know dont you. But a few months ago I was put on methotrexate..... I must admit it helped the Rheamatoid, now the osteoprossis is having a stint.....

    Rest up CC It to will pass. (((((((((((HUG)))))))

  • TR

    Hey CC,

    Glad to see you functioning. Give my best to Tink.


  • Sentinel

    CC ((HUGS to you and Tink)))

    Sorry to hear you've been laid up with painful arthritis. I truly understand. Although they say that the damp weather has a lot to do with it, I believe that stress can triger an attack too. You've been under a lot of extra pressure since Tink had her operation.

    Hope things will soon be on the mend for both of you!


  • imanaliento

    hi CC hope you get better soon, I've heard of weather affecting arthiritis before, must be the pits. when the weathter pattern changes a few in our family get migranes. I don't know how you feel about med. My ruematologist gave me Ultrams for hip pain, they don't make you droggy like a tylenol 4 would, it's the opposite, I built my house with my husband on that stuff. Jerry uses it for shingle pain, when he got shingles it had damaged the nerve ending in his shoulder so the pain is quite intense with weather changes and the ultram helps for that as well.

  • Searchin50

    Hi C C glad your back!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry to hear about your health, sounds very bad for you.

    Hope Tink is doing well---- tell her Hi for me

    Yes the weather is going through some major changes,

    it is a Medical fact it will effect those with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

    Keep up the good spirit.


  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Thanks for all your concern..I'll be back up and about in a day or two. Some asked what I take for it. I take Prednizone. Only when bad attacks come. The rest of the time I take Celebrex or Naproxen (Prescription). The Prednizone is the only thing that helps at all, but the doctor will only prescribe 100 tablets a year for me. I use them only to fight the bad attacks. As time goes on I hope someone finds a better treatment.

    Tink is doing really well. She is at the doctors now for a follow-up after her surgery. She is still alittle sore, but is getting her strength back each day.

    She's upset right now due to some news we got about one of her brothers in Fla. He was in a bad car wreck and is going to be in the hospital for quite awhile. An 80 year old women had crossed into his lane while he was going to work and hit him head on doing 50mph. I do not know how fast he was going, but he did not have time to react at all. She had an airbag that prevented her from any injury at all. He however, was not so lucky. He was wearing a seatbelt, which probably saved his life. We found out his left arm and wrist and also his left leg were shattered. The doctors had no choice but to put metal rods in place. The bones were shattered beyond repair. She talked to him by phone, but he was not able to speak too clearly due to the med's for pain.

    It's a long story so I'll let Tink explain in more detail later. She wishes she could be down there to help, but some friends who are there told her that right now there is not too much anyone can do. The doctors and nurses are doing what needs to be done to help re-habilitate him.

    Thanks to all for your concern

    TR your a great friend to us,Thanks! ...Mouthy your a sweet lady hope your doing OK Searchin', Ima, and Sentinel your also great friends to us. Thanks again.


  • jurs

    Glad your back!

  • myself

    Good to see you here CC. Hugs to you and Tink. Have her call or e-mail me. I dropped my cell phone one too many times and I killed it. I have a replacement with the same number. Hope you both fell much better soon


  • LyinEyes

    Sorry you have been feeling so bad CC. I have arthritis too, mostly in my feet. I have had it since I was a little girl. Two surgeries, many prednoisone shots. The doctors only allow me 3 shot a year, they are done right in the foot too. THe foot hurts real bad, and the shot puts me off my feet or on cruches for a few days, then it gets better. Celebrex helps some, but not great in my case. Hot water feels the best, but not too practical to walk around in buckets of hot water!!!

    I feel the way you do, I only get real down a few times a year, and try not to let it keep me down.

    In fact I dance all I can ,,even thou it hurts, because I am way past needed surgery again on one foot, the other will need it soon too. It lays me up for over 6 months healing and I don't want to be stuck at home.

    Since I left the borg, I have found dancing at clubs to be great fun, so unless the pain is more than I can bare, I will dance a little longer. I sit when I have to.

    The doctor told me the bones in my feet are starting to seperate from the arthritis and that is what hurts so bad, like there are bigger spaces in them now.

    I hope you have a good doctor CC, that helps alot when you have a bad flare up.

    Have you tried those thermawraps,,,,,not sure what the real name of them are but I have used them for ummmmmmmmm,,, female cramps,,,,,( embarrassed ) but hey they help. Once you open the package the little rocky crystals in them heat up and last about 6 to 8 hours, and it gets pretty warm. You can get them at wal-mart, and they don't have that ben gay stuff in them. I recommend them because you can wear em under your clothes and work, and if it is not a hot day, you don't feel like you are burning up.

    Let us know if you find any other pain treatments, we all have to find ways to live with this illness, it refuses to go away..... tell Tink hi for me.............dede

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