by paulie34 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • paulie34

    This is windrider,

    We are the imagination of ourselves. our lives, our physical experience, are a manifestation of our thoughts. We are what we think we are.

    Our imagination of self and the the world around us becomes our physical experience. You think you are ordinary? You will be ordinary. You think you will be powerless? You will be powerless. you think the best things in life happen to others? So they will.

    Everything is created by thoughts, our thoughts. In this dense frequency range we live in, the time between the thought and and it's physical manifestation can appear to take a very long time. But thought is still the creator. Look around your physical world. Unless someone thought to design them and thought to make them, they could not exist. Without thought there can be no physical creation. (even Watchtower policies and publications).

    In other "realms", for lack of a better term, where the energy is less dense (ok, the spirit realm) thought becomes manifest in an instant. All this means is that we live in a world of illusion because the world we perceive is a reflection, a mirror, of human thought. What we think the world is, it will be. Or at least, that will be the perception of what it is.

    We each live in our own persoanl universe and when people come into our space, they are entering our unique world of reality. It is not so difficult grasp once you create a different viewpoint and EXAMINE THE POSSIBILITIES.

    There are areas of our universes that agree and connect. For example, most people will agree that on the road outside your door and the cars driving past really exist. but apart fom the basics, our universes are very different. Our universes either connect and agree based upon viewpoint. In one's universe, one may view the world as the interaction of certain people controlling the planet through a network of secret societies. but to other universes, this viewpoint appears unconnected, until something happens in their lives to make them see differently.

    Our minds observe the visible, physical world, not the "spiritual" one. (I will explain at some later date). What we see becomes our reality. Because I see the world and events in very different terms to most people, there are fewer points of agreement and connection in my universe than those of the masses. Again, it's not what really is, only what they believe is. It's a self generated illusion.

    This can be seen in the response to my posts. That is why Bill and Ray can connect on a greater scale in this forum. There is agreement.

    Remember, when there is agreement, there is UNITY OF MINDSET. This can prove to be a powerful ally in any cause.

    Seek peace, seek love........seek truth


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