Cuban Underwater City: update

by Nathan Natas 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    Will We Ever Learn About Cuban Underwater City?

    One reason we're not getting more information about what looks like a Cuban underwater city is that for Paul Weinzweig and his wife Paulina Zelitsky of Advanced Digital Communications (ADC), exploring it is only a sidelinethe company has been hired to hunt for shipwrecks filled with gold and jewels, and to find oil and natural gas reserves. Images revealed by their underwater robot submarine include massive stones arranged in symmetrical squares and pyramid shapes. Smooth, white stones on the ocean floor 2,000 feet beneath the surface are laid out in a geometric pattern. These artifacts can be found over nearly eight square miles off Cuba's western tip. "Nature couldn't have built anything so symmetrical," says Weinzweig. "This isn't natural, but we don't know what it is."
    Since losing the support of the former Soviet Union, Cuba needs to find new sources of money. ADC has found several large oil and gas deposits and about 20 shipwrecks. The most historically important so far has been the USS Maine, which exploded and sank in 1898, starting the Spanish- American War.

    The underwater city was discovered by accident in 2000, when unexpected rock formations appeared on their sonar. "We have looked at enormous amounts of ocean bottom, and we have never seen anything like this," Weinzweig says. It could be the ancient city of Atlantis, described by Plato in 360 BC. There are theories that Atlantis was off Cuba, off the Greek island of Crete, off Gibraltar and in many other locations.

    Many scientists think Atlantis never really existed. Anthropologist George Erikson says, "I have always disagreed with all the archaeologists who dismiss myth." If the Cuban site turns out to be Atlantis, he hopes "to be the first to say, 'I told you so.'" In his book Atlantis in America, he predicted that Atlantis would be discovered in the same place where the underwater city has been found.

    An ancient city off Cuba would mean that civilization is much older than scientists now believe. If the symmetrical stones are ruins of buildings, it could have taken 50,000 years or more for tectonic shifting to carry them so deep into the ocean, meaning the buildings themselves would be much older than that. The Giza pyramid in Egypt is only about 5,000 years old, which means the Cuba site "wouldn't fit with what we know about human architectural evolution," says Cuban geologist Manuel Iturralde. "It's an amazing question that we would like to solve." Hes studied volcanic rocks recovered at the site that suggest the area was once above water, despite its extreme depth. The existence of the rocks is hard to explain, because there are no volcanoes in Cuba.

    So far, only unmanned robot submarines have taken videos of the site. No human exploration has been done, which would provide a much better idea of whats actually down there. The remote-operated video camera gives only a limited perspective, like someone looking at a close-up of an elephant's toe and trying to describe the whole animal.

    The National Geographic Society has expressed interest in a manned submarine expedition next summer, according to Sylvia Earl, explorer-in-residence. She says, "It is so compelling that I think we need to go check it out." A planned expedition this past summer was canceled because of funding problems. With all the interest in the site, one would think the expedition could be funded by the money from a TV special, like the recent U.K. exploration of the shaft in the Giza pyramid.

    Weinzweig and Zelitsky are currently focusing on a huge 500- year-old shipwreck they discovered on August 15 with a priceless cargo of emeralds, diamonds and ancient artifacts. They get to keep 40% of the value of whatever they recover, and they think the ship holds over $4 million worth of treasure.

    One of the best theories about the location of Atlantis can be found in the book Atlantis in America by George Erikson and Ivar Zapp.

    For more information, click here:

  • nilfun

    The National Geographic Society has expressed interest and is considering an expedition in manned submarines next summer, according to Sylvia Earl, a famed American oceanographer and explorer-in-residence at the society

    Should be interesting.

    Earl has visited Cuba and described the preliminary evidence as "fantastic" and "extraordinary." But she stressed that as a "skeptical scientist," she would assume that the unusual stones were formed naturally until scientific evidence proved otherwise.

    Wow, thanks for posting this interesting news. So many extraordinary things in this world still waiting to be explored. So much to learn, so little time. That right there is reason enough to go on.

  • Crazy151drinker

    Here is a basic summary of a show that was on the History Channel (please send them $25 for the tape). Basicly, they have found this pyramid structure under 80ft of water off the coast of Japan. Pretty Trippy stuf...

    1 Volume Set
    50 Minutes

    Archeologists have long believed that civilization as we define it--intelligent, tool-making, monument building, social humans--began about 5,000 years ago. But submerged beneath the waves near the Japanese island of Yonaguni is evidence that may well overturn that long-held theory.

    A small but persuasive number of scholars and scientists have long thought that "advanced" societies may have existed as long as 10,000 years ago. Their theories, however well reasoned and defended, have been hamstrung by a lack of evidence. But recent discoveries of man-made artifacts on the Pacific seafloor may well prove to be the smoking gun that will propel this alternative view of civilization to prominence. HISTORY'S MYSTERIES travels to the site and plunges beneath the waves to examine the discovery, and talks to the investigators who are trying to unearth the secrets it holds.

    The answers remain unknown, but the questions themselves may forever change some of the most basic assumptions about our past.

    This product is unavailable for shipment outside the U.S. and Canada.

    Item Number: AAE-43067
  • Crazy151drinker

    Ok here are some pics of the place....

    Copyright 1999 Robert M. Schoch.

    ok heres the link

    jjrizo, eat your heart out

  • Crazy151drinker

    Ok here are some more, including the layout.....

  • Crazy151drinker
  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    I saw that program on the History Channel (great show) but as I recall wasn't there some debate about whether what they filmed was man made? I don't agree. I think the ruins are man made but wasn't there a couple of guys on the show that were trying to say it was a natural formation?

  • terabletera

    I saw another program in reference to the large stones off of the florida keys. They worked with the theory that there were many civilizations destroyed when the ice age ended. The ice caps literally exploded as they melted causing massive destruction with outragious tsunamis that eveloped coastal regions further south, never to be resurfaced. Most civilizations were coastal at that time due to the lack of areas to live up north. It is theorized that much of those left had to start from square one and much of the advanced life styles were lost when so many communities were destroyed. They believe this is where the many stories of global floods came from, Noah, Atlantis, and several others I can't remember at this moment. But in saying so, many argue because then it puts in to question the theory that man has not been civilized for more than 10,000 years. We were grunting around with arrows and spears for millions of years and then quite suddenly we became more uniform. These new findings really put a lot of that in to a "new light" (lack of a better word I am afraid, lol). That coupled with the lack of research funds for something that only seems to benefit SCIENCE and history....they can only do so much. Obviously, underwater archeology is not a priority to most countries. They say to find it on land or forget it. Unfortunately, things on land can be destroyed and reused by many following civilizations and all evidence is lost.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Sheesh! Twenty two years ago?

    To be brief, I believe this merits further investigation if and when possible, but this isn't "Atlantis."

    If you want Atlantis, see the Azores Islands.

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