you know's comments

by czarofmischief 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • czarofmischief

    <P>I jsut read over some comments by someone named you know. 
    He made a convincing case that the WT is going to suffer judgement for what they have done.
    I still believe in Jehovah, but not in the WT, and this makes sense to me. So if our former brothers are being driven from house and home, shouldn't we give them shelter? 
    didn't God condemn the Edomites for turning the Israelites in to the Babylonians 
    after the invasion? Even from a purely secular standpoint, sheltering them would be the right thing to do
     - regardless of their beliefs, nobody should have to suffer imprisonment or beatings just for their religion. 
    Sometimes we have to do what's right no matter the cost. 
  • Gopher


    Did you forget to check the "automatic cr/lf" box?

    For some reason I keep having to scroll right to read your thoughts.

    This makes it hard to follow.

  • czarofmischief

    Let me try that again:

    I read some comments somewhere by a guy who was called You Know. He claimed that the prophecy in Isaiah and elsewhere about smiting the evildoers who rule over God's People. Essentially, Jehovah is coming to clean house, and thus, it will be hard times for all JW's.

    So, what I am thinking is, if our former brothers (since many of us are diffed or DA) are facing trials and persecutions, shouldn't those of us who still view ourselves as good, Godfearing people reach out and protect them as we are able to? For instance, when the Babylonians invaded Israel, God condemned the Edomites for betraying and fighting against their relatives the Israelites. So, we should put aside our resentments and such and try to protect our former families.



  • Satanus


    The wt emphasizes the hebrew scriptures (called ot for old testement), to the neglect of the greek scriptures (nt for new testement). The problem w this method, is that laws, rules, regs and patterns that are really non christian are focussed on.

    Jesus came to show a new pattern. A pattern not based on judgement and punishment, which is the theme of the ot. There is really a choice, be a christian, applying the principles jesus voiced and demonstrated, or be a sort of a jew, clinging to the ot and it's bloody ways. The mainline churches are better at following jesus than the wt is. 'Course i'm not claiming to be christian. But, i can clearly see that the ot is basically the old covenant for the jews, and all that went with it.

    The nt is basically the new covenant, or new contract for those that want to be christian. The wt even admits that the new covenant is only for 144,000. If that is true, then only those 144,000 need read the nt, as it doesn't apply to anyone else. Too bad for the wt. Anyway, no org is needed for to be in this new contract. Some of jesus' words show this quite well.

    Geez, i feel funny preaching this stuff.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Protect them from what?

  • Gopher

    If "Jehovah is coming to clean house" in reality, who can protect the JW's against him?

    Not us ex-JW's. We're lovers, not fighters!!

    Really I don't think we're like the Edomites who would cheer the individuals suffering among the JW's. It's the organization, its leadership and its policies that clearly are more evil. The JW's are just a bunch of sheepish followers (for the most part). Baaa baaa.

  • czarofmischief

    yeah, that's pretty much my point.

    Individuals would be driven out, lost and confused and feeling like God has abandoned them - and maybe we could help them with the transition to a life outside the cult. Or if they are under some kind of mob or governmental persecution, maybe a courageous defense of some sort would be in order. It isn't like the innocent sheep are deserving of the coming plagues, just the organization as a whole, and maybe some of the leaders.

    In addition, I agree with the idea that Christ came to offer a way of redemption, not judgement, and repentance out of love, not out of fear.

    I think that the Witnesses started with the right concept - worlwide preaching work reaching out to folks of all nations - but it eventually fell into the hands of our Enemy and never got the complete picture. I think that they are especially culpable becasue they either assumed or were given Jehovah's name to bear and have caused it to become synonymous with harsh judgement, hypocrisy, and money-grubbing.


    Edited by - czarofmischief on 17 October 2002 23:26:2

  • SPAZnik

    Not us ex-JW's. We're lovers, not fighters!!

    LOL Goph. Yah-man.

  • Kingpawn


    So, what I am thinking is, if our former brothers (since many of us are diffed or DA) are facing trials and persecutions, shouldn't those of us who still view ourselves as good, Godfearing people reach out and protect them as we are able to? For instance, when the Babylonians invaded Israel, God condemned the Edomites for betraying and fighting against their relatives the Israelites. So, we should put aside our resentments and such and try to protect our former families.

    In the sense of showing Christian charity and the true spirit of what God (by whatever name you choose to call the Supreme Deity, if you believe in His/It's existence) wants people to do, sure. Or as an obligation as a citizen concerned for equal rights for all.

    I'm not sure your anaolgy of the Edomites applies here. We who have been expelled or shunned were ousted before this hypothetical day of turmoil will come. And if it happens, won't it be the R&W dubs who should suffer as much as the leaders? After all, when Babylon is supposed to take a fall, no distinction is made between the clerics and laity. They all get it in the neck.

    As far as putting aside resentments, that would be asking more of some people here than perhaps anyone on this earth has a right to ask of them. Not me so much as someone who's personally suffered because of being molested, who was really badly hurt from being shunned, or run out in a "star chamber" JC procedure.


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