"Faithful and Discreet Slave", "Anointed Remnant"
These phrases have been used across decades to trigger unthinking obedience from
millions of JW's. Coupled with carefully crafted graphic images in their magazines
and squeeky clean appearances during Bethel/Paterson tours, they have generated
a mass belief in a leadership that is simply - a myth.
First, the 'anointed remnant' leading the organization has been a myth for
many decades. Rutherford was utterly autocratic and tolerated no dissent from
anyone - as shown by his dismissal of the 'Governing Body' of his day - and his
scathing attacks on the character of nearly everyone else in authority in Bethel,
documented during the Olin Moyle incident.
Knorr's reign was little different - the Society made no effort to seek out the
opinions or guidance of any member of the 'anointed', outside of a select handful
in Bethel. Fred Franz openly argued against the concept of a Governing Body among
early Christians at one Gilead graduation speech, since the Apostle Paul clearly
acted without its direct command.
Which brings us to the sad truth, about the 'truth' today: it's all run by
committees, with perhaps 25-30 old men actually charting its direction.
Nearly all of these men have no experience in real, common life - worrying about
making a living, paying for health care, or endlessly juggling responsiblities
in a household.
Worst of all, nearly none of them have any experience raising children OR
Most 'Society' men lead lives of deep isolation, cut off by constraints of time
and energy, from the rest of the world. They may know current science and history only
thru the distorted prism of the magazines, especially the Awake - and it is likely,
that they got their positions thru years of 'rule obeying', years of servility
that drained away any notion of inspiration or creativity.
A number of these select few are becoming mentally impared, senile, or eccentric
relative to the performance of their adminstration.
So, if you wonder, why does the Society act blindly and cruelly in the matter
of child molesting
its those 25 guys
or why they shoot themselves in the foot
its those 25 guys
or why they can't truly reform any thing, to become a decent, association
of brothers, practicing charity and love
its those mentally isolated, childless, ignorant, 'trained by decades toadying'
25 guys.
or why, why, why, the organization just can't help itself
its those 25 deadheads, still micro-managing, still writing 'secondary articles'
still making more rules, still pretending - to themselves and 6 million others.