Watchtower Leadership: Myth and Reality

by metatron 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    "Faithful and Discreet Slave", "Anointed Remnant"

    These phrases have been used across decades to trigger unthinking obedience from
    millions of JW's. Coupled with carefully crafted graphic images in their magazines
    and squeeky clean appearances during Bethel/Paterson tours, they have generated
    a mass belief in a leadership that is simply - a myth.

    First, the 'anointed remnant' leading the organization has been a myth for
    many decades. Rutherford was utterly autocratic and tolerated no dissent from
    anyone - as shown by his dismissal of the 'Governing Body' of his day - and his
    scathing attacks on the character of nearly everyone else in authority in Bethel,
    documented during the Olin Moyle incident.

    Knorr's reign was little different - the Society made no effort to seek out the
    opinions or guidance of any member of the 'anointed', outside of a select handful
    in Bethel. Fred Franz openly argued against the concept of a Governing Body among
    early Christians at one Gilead graduation speech, since the Apostle Paul clearly
    acted without its direct command.

    Which brings us to the sad truth, about the 'truth' today: it's all run by
    committees, with perhaps 25-30 old men actually charting its direction.

    Nearly all of these men have no experience in real, common life - worrying about
    making a living, paying for health care, or endlessly juggling responsiblities
    in a household.

    Worst of all, nearly none of them have any experience raising children OR

    Most 'Society' men lead lives of deep isolation, cut off by constraints of time
    and energy, from the rest of the world. They may know current science and history only
    thru the distorted prism of the magazines, especially the Awake - and it is likely,
    that they got their positions thru years of 'rule obeying', years of servility
    that drained away any notion of inspiration or creativity.

    A number of these select few are becoming mentally impared, senile, or eccentric
    relative to the performance of their adminstration.

    So, if you wonder, why does the Society act blindly and cruelly in the matter
    of child molesting

    its those 25 guys

    or why they shoot themselves in the foot

    its those 25 guys

    or why they can't truly reform any thing, to become a decent, association
    of brothers, practicing charity and love

    its those mentally isolated, childless, ignorant, 'trained by decades toadying'
    25 guys.

    or why, why, why, the organization just can't help itself

    its those 25 deadheads, still micro-managing, still writing 'secondary articles'
    still making more rules, still pretending - to themselves and 6 million others.


  • ashitaka

    aye. Mass delusion begets mass delusion.

  • wednesday

    I just started reading COC and i was totally appaled when i read that in less than 2 hours the decision in 69 was made about DF for "unnatural sex". he cited all the letters the society received about this and how it altered so many lives , causing divorces etc, only to change there policy again in early 70's(can't remember exact year). I didn't even know what they meant by unatural sex when i first read the articles. Apparently he said it started with one couple in california. Someone had seen literature about "unnatural sex' in there bedroom. How they got acess to it is unknown.

    Imagine all those elders sitting around listening to all the confessions. Franz said there were many JC after the articles.

    No one should have that kind of power to be able to tell husband and wife what kind of sex they can have/or not have.

  • JT

    excellent post and so on the money in describing the men who lead wt almost none of them have children outside of Scroedor- the rest are either childless or single,

    they have been on the payroll since they either entered bethel at 19 or since they entered the CO work and from that day forward they have been living in a make believe world with out a care other than trying to live up the the rules of wt

    so if you figure the avg guy at bethel on these 5 new corp are in thier late 50-70 you are talking 25-35-45-55 yrs of fulltime wt service

    they have been out of the real world so long they can no longer feel the pain of others- consider the avg bethel speaker who does a weekend event somewhere here in the states

    he is flown out of ny - he will stay with a family who in almost 99% will have money- he will get GREEN HANDSHAKES after his talk - he will not be taken to Burger King or 7-11 to grab a hotdog like most pioneers live off

    and he will fly by to new york thinking how glad he chose to serve jah in fulltime service and how he has been bless for his efforts

    i know i felt that way and so many other bethelites

    i recall flying out of airports looking down and saying after leaving Cleveland , detroit, Norfolk, etc how glad i was to know that on monday morning i will be going to work with fellow bro while all the jw down there will have to deal with worldly folks'

    i was so glad i chose the best portions

    i recall going home to the circuit assembly or district --all Sharp and good looking, smelling good single and availble

    and i would see the guys i grew up with--- i was 24-- giving public talks etc and here these guys were married with 3/4/5 kids cheap looking suits, there wives HEAD had not been to a beauty shop in months, snotty nose little kids and then me and my boys would roll in town the DO would annouce Bro James along with some other members of the Bethel Family are here be sure to welcome them and LET THEM KNOW HOW MUCH WE APPREICIATE THEIR SARCRIFICE $$$$$$$

    when in fact we were not sacrificing in the context of --all the guys i grew up with who had flunky jobs who were literally struggling just to be at the conventions, many had put thier jobs on the line to be there, etc.

    we honestly felt that we had made a wise choice in life in comparison to other jw, you would feel so good when the speaker would ask ARE YOU DOING ALL YOU CAN FOR JAH BRO --knowing that you were at the BIG HOUSE -

    wt creates for bethelites a world of make believe- i recall so many would comment at morning worship who wonderful it was to be at bethel and to stay so that you could see the WTC fall into the East river

    little did i know 9-11 would do what it did

    so when i just look at the few years i was at bethel how it impacted my attitude about those as we used to say ON THE OUTSIDE

    i can't imagine what 30-50 yrs would do to ones mindset

  • minimus

    What a GREAT thread!!! JT, I appreciate your insights on how YOU felt when you were in Bethel telling everyone what was expected of them. It makes us appreciate that good men truly can be misled until they see the unfairness and the reality of what is really truth. Met, you hit another bullseye!

  • happy man
    happy man

    Wery intresting JT, i must tell you I who was one of the boys who never pionjired, and never was on bethel, Me and my friends have the opposite feeling, we feel sorry fore this ones who goes to B, fore me it was like living in a jail, and we have so funny, working make some money, service on satterdays, 10-15 hours evry month, and i was servant as a very young man, and elder when i was 30.

    but I think your wuie is intresting, you se evrything from your one point of wuie.

    you say , littel did i know 9-11 would do what it did?????

    i dont understand what you want to say?

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