Governing body and money

by freedom96 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    We all know that bethelites don't make squat. I have also heard that the governing body, and others with authority at bethel, live pretty well.

    Anyone know exactly what their benefits are whether money, housing, vacations, or whatever? Maybe a couple of comments on their power, and how they throw it around.

  • minimus

    Nothing traceable but lots of cash and "gifts"....Perhaps where the term "gifts in men " comes from???

  • belbab

    I learned that members of the GB fly all over to give talks in distant congregations etc. They collect the air miles.

    Then on their vacation, they fly wherever they want using the air miles.

    Another thing I learned from some decades ago. At a court case in Quebec, one that involved Covington and Glen How as lawyers, Canadian branch servant, some others and Anton Koerber. I ran errands for them to the outside when required. They were staying in a luxurious suite at the best hotel in Quebec City. The branch servant, Percy Chapman, made a point of telling me , that Anton Koerber was paying for all this.

    Now if any old timers remember who Anton Koerber was, he was a millionaire (?) who made his money in real estate. He handled big real estate deals for the Society and probably collected a big fee for it.

    I have always wondered if kickbacks came back to the the powers that be. All for the Kingdom, of course.


  • kenpodragon

    I know we would like to see them looking like the preachers from the Christian Networks with their fancy cars and mansions, since it would be one more thing to dislike them for. The thing is, the men I met were often dressed in "okay" suits and lived in the Watchtower facilities. They might get a little more then others, but when you compare it to preachers of other religions. It isn't worth even mentioning. Personally, if they are heads of a large cooperation and stationed in NYC. They should be making six to seven figure incomes. If they make $20,000 or even as much as $50,000 in traveling expenses and reimbursements. I would be like "who cares!" that is "nothing!"

    Sorry I am in business and I view the Witnesses as a business now that I am out.

    My thought


  • out4good3
    They might get a little more then others, but when you compare it to preachers of other religions. It isn't worth even mentioning.

    I don't know....being a "society man" has it's benefits. In return for selling out your conscious and independent reasoning and thinking ability, you get to fly all over the world on pre-written speaking engagements, free food, lodging, a few tax free bucks slid in your hand during a handshake, and lifetime health benefits. I imagine that most of the heirarchy are in the "Depends" generation by now and will do whatever it takes to not have to deal with "real world" problems.

    That's far more than what you'd get as a drone who threw away a full scholarship at that prestigious university in favor of the preaching work.

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