Will the Governing Body decree that Starbucks is forbidden??

by DATA-DOG 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    It's bad enough that JWs waste valuable, life-saving minutes getting coffee, but now THIS happens...


    So many dubs work at Starbucks! This is a dangerous situation that must be from Satan!

    Surely, Quicktrip coffee will be recommended in the future? Perhaps McDonalds coffee? The GB had better decree that Starbucks is forbidden.....SOON!!


  • ToesUp


    Coming to a assembly symposium near you! The madness must STOP!!!

  • rebel8

    I'm surprised dubbies are allowed to work at a restaurant, handing out cups all day with Pagan logos on them.

  • 4thgen
    That is so awesome! What may appeal to the DUBS is FREE TUITION. Nothing says JW like free handouts!
  • AudeSapere

    My sister's company offers tuition reimbursement. I was so happy for her! She refuses to take advantage of the opportunity. That WT education is really all she needs or desires.



  • OnTheWayOut

    Oh, Starbucks CAREERS because of the college thing.

    For a moment, I was wondering if you thought they would forbid taking their break from recruiting at Starbucks. Maybe they would play that cartoon of the little girl and her ice cream money but tell the adults how they could put the 3 bucks in the box instead of at Starbucks. "Make your coffee at home and carry a thermos."

  • WTWizard

    They could come down on people taking advantage of the college offer without making them quit their job, just as accepting any other scholarship as a means of entering college would be banned. It would be about not going to college--work there without entering college, you might be allowed to stay.

    As for stopping at Starbucks, if they can stop children from having an ice cream cone because the money belongs in the Worldwide Damnation Fund, why allow adults to have coffee where it is going to cost 4 or more toilet papers a cup? Better to put the money into the Worldwide Damnation Fund and make your own coffee at home, more cheaply. They need the funds now so they can sap the value out of it before it becomes worthless, and enjoying the use of your paper representation of money is stealing from joke-hova as much as someone buying an ice cream cone in lieu of donating that money. Or using the money to buy a real silver quarter that you keep. Either way, they are going to play the "You should give us the money" card.


    OTWO, Starbucks careers seems dangerous to me. I'm surprised the GB have not seen this danger yet. It's a known fact that a great majority of JWs love coffee, S$ being a favorite.

    The meeting for service ends, and the dubs make a bee line for S$! This can take up to 20 minutes, depending on drive time and waiting in line! 20 minutes that should have been used to record not-at-homes! This is a travesty!

    Even more insidious is the fact that S$ has "flexible hours", which can appear to be an asset to dubs. They don't have to miss meetings and many can pioneer. They also have pretty good benefits. This is another trap that can lull a dub into a false sense of security.

    Not to be forgotten, is LGBT friendly atmosphere of S$! You can walk into an S$ and it might as well be a gay-bar! Gays everywhere! Laughing, drinking coffee ( known to be addictive ), making coffee, talking about their partners, looking good in their well tailored clothing! To the unwary, this may start to appear normal, or cool, even desirable. Remember what happened to Eve?

    On top of all that, we have free higher education for S$ partners!! OMG!!! It's the perfect satanic trap! Can't you see that it's just like the test Moses faced?!?? He could have taken advantage of the higher education in Egypt, but he turned it down! He chose to be mistreated. He chose to leave and herd some goats.

    If you have JW relatives, I beg you to warn them of the obvious similarities between S$ and Satan's tried and true methods! Never has such a perfect storm of demonic deception existed!

    We should all tell our local BOE's, C.O's ect. Something must be done to fend off this Satanic threat. We are too close to the END to be tricked by that wiley serpent! S$ is a den of druggery, immorality, and higher education, cleverly packaged to appear beneficial to God's chosen people. Why the GB didn't see this coming is beyond me. We need to help Christ's brothers sound the warning, before it's too late.

    DD 😇

  • JWdaughter
    Beards! Almost every male barista in my local starb market has a beard. Just intention . . .
  • eyeuse2badub

    There will soon be a 'cartoon' video showing brothers and sisters 'thinking' about that $4 cup of coffee at Starbucks, but then rejecting the idea and instead putting the $4 into the contribution box at the kh to "further kingdom interests" (so that the gb can instead enjoy a $4 cup at Starbucks).

    just saying!


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