Just in case you didn't know, must have missed a thread because I didn't until I found it on google this morning, there is to be a public hearing about child abuse in jw organization in australia, starting 27th July, should be revealing. Will be watching for reports with interest:
Australia public hearing on child abuse in JWs
by Tornintwo 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
4. The systems, policies and procedures in place within the Jehovah’s Witnesses Church and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia Ltd to prevent child sexual abuse within the Church.
Well, his holiness pope Tomo3 did pull an old watchtower out of the archives. They have a cartoon too. It all adds up in their defence.......or does it.
I expect to hear outright lies from the WBT$ reps. The WBT$ has more spin than my washing machine. I hope it goes very badly for them.
thanks tornintwo - i didn't know about this public hearing date
punkofnice do you have a link?
I don't expect watchtower to lie because I would be surprised if they even showed up. -
Royal Commission into Child Abuse in Institutions.
Being held in Sydney Australia.
The wt will come under examination on the 27th of july as have other institutions. By loging into the Royal Commissions site you can watch it on streaming.
Link to a transcript of a meeting between the WT and the Victorian government's inquiry into child abuse.
(Melbourne, Australia, April 11, 2013.)
I've been following the Royal Commission for some time - wondered when the WT's turn would come up.
I knew that this was gonna get uglier and messier as time went on, but jeez...
Slidin Fast
That transcript is worth a read. Talk about wriggling and squirming and misrepresenting. Look at the end about how dissent and whistleblowing is handled. Wash your mouth out bother. -
Slidin Fast - "...Talk about wriggling and squirming and misrepresenting. Look at the end about how dissent and whistleblowing is handled..."
Mr D. O’Brien - "Can that be grounds for disfellowship if they are seen to criticise the practice for some reason? It is a whistleblowing activity I am particularly directing my attention to."
Mr T. O’Brien - "If it was teaching against scripture, then that would be a basis for disfellowshipping, but it would not necessarily be disfellowshipping - that would be their decision. They would be disassociating themselves from the organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses because they no longer agreed with the teachings.
There's some hemming and hawing, but in the end, he is admitting that - for all intents and purposes - dissent is not tolerated (although he's framing it in a theological - i.e. "freedom of religion" - context, I suspect to portray it as something the State should keep its nose out of).
In doing so, he essentially confirms that whistleblowing is, in fact, equated with "no longer agreeing with the teachings" (i.e. "apostasy"), and therefore is indeed a disfellowshipping offense...
...or more accurately (and this seems new), whistleblowing now seems to be an automatic act of disassociation, similar to accepting a transfusion.