I read today a scary artikel in a swed newspaper, it is about the terror bombing who is going on in Irak, from US an England, this is terribel, farmer telling that this have ben comen sens the war so to say end, evry night thy here this bombers, and somtime they have iton ther one yard, it is not so unusal that people are killd, and civilians.
When I read this i must ask, WHAT ARE US DOING, do they thunk they are some sort of GOOD,
How can do as they want, i musk ask you peoepl here from US, should you axept that evry day you was bombd by foren country, i now this Sadamm is a crook, but what happend here is awfull, and putt abigg mark on the democrati of US.
We can In sweden read of the result of this terror bombing made by Us almost evry day ,do you have this info in US or are they hide it from you.All children who is killd , all comen peopel who are hurt and some even killd, made by some sure Christians from the so calld cristian country US.
I think US is on very dangers ways, this so calld president is a joke, at least this is a comen wuie in Europe.
I can not understand that so nice peopel as many of you are, have so bad presidents, like Bush, Kennedy who show upp to be a reel bad man widh a lot of imoral things on his record, not to mencen Nixon. despite his moral problem it now seems that Clinton was one of the few who did a good work.I am very well aware of how nationalistisk US peopel are, so now i peraps have to hide fore a time when the Storm bolw over....