Below are the basic statistics for the survery I conducted. This is based on a sample of 75 people. First of all, I obtained statistics for the first half of the sample and compared it to the statistics for the total sample. This helped determine if the sample size was large enough. The results were essentially the same for the smaller sample as it was for the total sample. Therefore, the total sample can be considered reliable as a sample of people who post here. Although the analysis is done. Posters can still provide their information if they want. If I get 20 or more new respondents, I will reanalyze the data. Here are the basic results: 1. Age - average = 39, range: 18 - 64. 2. Years a JW: average = 22, range: 3 - 54. 3. Years out: 6, range 0 - 30. 4a & 5a.. % Depressed: 70% then, 30% now. 4b & 5b. % low self esteem: 81% then, 43% now. 4c & 5c. % anxious: 81% then, 38% now 4d & 5d. % pyschosis: 8% then, 3% now. Happiness today. average = 4.6 - much more happy. It is clear that symptoms are less than they were as a JW. On average about a 50% - 60% improvement. I also added the four symptoms. This gives a score ranging from 0 to 4. The average score as a JW was 4.6. The average today was 2.4. Again, about a 50% improvement. In Part 2, I will present the correlational results. This will take a little time, as I need to determine the possible reasons for the correlations.
Thank you all for your participation.
Edited by - larc on 20 October 2002 10:44:31