Highschool Scuba

by LB 8 Replies latest social physical

  • LB

    A couple of hours from now I'm taking a busload of students down to my local dive shop for an introduction to scuba diving. I'm pretty excited about it actually. We signed up 20 kids out of a school of 82. They will each view a video, then I'll assit them into their equipment and they'll get to blow bubbles for 45 minutes or so.

    We're going to photograph each kid underwater and make them a keepsake video too.

    Most of these kids are very poor and will not have the means to get certified, but if a couple of students do I'll start a scuba club at the school and take them diving over on the coast every so often.

    Too bad I have to skip meeting this weekend

  • Celia

    Great thing to do. The kids must be quite excited too.

    And don't worry about missing the meeting.... You're taking care of the "widows and orphans"...

  • ITguy

    Hey LB...

    We used to chat way back in the H20 days. The name "merc" ring any bells?

  • Satanus

    That's great, LB. Teaching kids is the best investment into the world. If i get myself together one day, i would like to contribute something to the world generally, making it a better place.


  • OrbitingTheSun

    What a wonderful idea LB! I bet you will get
    Just as much out of it as the little ones will!

    Let us know how that goes, it is always refreshing to hear good stories
    like that. It makes all the hard work and struggle seem worthwhile.

  • LyinEyes

    LB , I always enjoy the things you tell us you do with the kids. You remind me alot of my hub, in that way, he is always doing something to help the kids at Jake's school. He really enjoys it from the heart, same as you seem to do. There is no money for it, no hours put on a time card, no postion to gain,,, but I am sure you feel as he does,,,,,, the smiles are their faces are a reward of giving yourself to them.

    Keep up the great work ,and I wish I could try it.. I get a little of of breath going underwater, would love to experience it thou. Don't forget to post a pic when you can of it,, I willl look forward to seeing how it looks.......... hugs,dede

  • SPAZnik

    Awesome LB!

  • nilfun

    We're going to photograph each kid underwater and make them a keepsake video too.

    They won't ever forget the wonderful thing you've done for them.

    Edited by - nilfun on 22 October 2002 21:57:43

  • LB

    Hey Merc, of course I remember you. Hope you're doing well.

    I will post the pics. Got them developed today but my scanner isn't working. The underwater ones are ok but the pics above surface are great. Lots of smiling faces. It was a great young group. Most are from poor families and honestly can't afford to get certified. But then today our superintindent of schools tells me that he is going to write a grant and try to get some money including some scuba equipment for the kids to borrow and of course money to pay for the lessons. So I really have my fingers crossed. Scuba is the most fun thing I do.

    Lynin Eyes your hubby enjoys kids a lot. I know he's coaching football and that's great. I'm finishing up with cross country at the highschool this week and then we get right into basketball. I'm just the assistant coach for boys BB and of course that includes me running the JV program.

    I retired and they just won't let me sit down. But for some reason I sure don't miss the privledges issued at the hall

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