Read and learn ?
by happy man 6 Replies latest jw friends
You gotta love witness propoganda.
Thanks for the link. Very interesting! Now please excuse me while I go barf!
happy man
i think your person is very intresting, i read a lot of what you say,and something is in my mind here, some person who have been so hard involvd widh JW, beeen at bethel, even now the President as I see on one ,piccture, i have very difficult to understand this 180 digrees turnaround, why?
Yuo must have seen all this thing a long time,even from the begining, and when i read your littel story The eperus clothes, my reaktion is, this is from a man who have been realy badley hurt, and now he want to give agin to them who hurt him.
beaucause all this things you take upp in this story is littel to much, as you now wrong thing we have all over, if i want to find bad things and look wery well i can find them, but i think in the most religons you have same or whort.
i have several times tell about this wars on earth and who religon have support them, in a very bad way. So why are you overdoing this so much widh JW who one time was your most beutifull friend.
Or is it like this , the one you love you punish?
you like mee now that we have some bad, some good things in JW, Jw are in some way unik, they are the only who stand beside all this wars, and they also are radher unik in ther bigg work about the earthly kingdom, who i think is one of the most attrktive things, to peopel ans is one answer why some is JW, like me for exampel.
I can tell you, that also i have been badley treated, but i understand this was made by men,like David, the king in isralel.
And who nows if they have a place in the kingdom, who nows, the first shall be the last, and the last shal bee the first. think about that my friend. I put in the Jw forum, if you are intelegent you can understan who wrigt some of the topics, i must say i am very happy that some Jw realy have a forum where we can discuss difficult matters, very brave of them i think.
warm greatings to you my brother, from sweden.
Happy - I'd be careful posting links from the other place - I wouldn't want to see you get booted (certain JW boards have been known to do this before)
Happy Man,
There are others besides Jehovah's Witnesses who don't participate in wars. Take, for example, the Quakers, the Amish, the Mennonites, and pacifists. What do you think of these groups?
AMEN to jjrizo!
Also, they go to the Supreme Court to win Freedom of Speech for everyone, yet they don't even allow their own Members to have Freedom of Speech.