Jesus had Nowhere to Lay his Head....

by Muddy Waters 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    So Jesus had nowhere to lay his head.

    He had a huge following and reputation... with no TV, publishing company, big Bethel house, branch offices, literature offers, requests for field service time, judicial committees held in secret star-chambers, disfellowshipping & shunning rules and big procedures for "reinstatement"...

    So why does WTS do all these things?? They are supposed to be "footstep followers" of the Christ.

    Where does Jesus say to count time? Where does he say to go to meetings for 6 months to a year -or more!- to come back into fellowship with his believers if they should leave or be expelled?

    Where is it written that meetings should be Watchtower studies?

    Where is it written that "this good news of the kingdom" is a multi-billion dollar publishing & real-estate empire, with thousands of fancy, sparkling clean buildings (unless they contribute to, or are built upon toxic waste dumps), offices, assembly halls, Kingdom Halls, bethel buildings, translation offices, giant rolls of paper from sacrificed beautiful trees, TV studios, and a freaking WEBSITE, complete with new goddamned company name & logo, to advertise the new (and improved!!) "one and only means of salvation" -step right up folks and take a tract - and be sure to dress properly when y'all come to visit us - on our sparkly tennis courts & stuff -

    ... and Jesus had nowhere to lay his head.

    Oy. I could go on & on ...

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  • jhine

    Muddy , the answer is so obvious it doesn't need stating does it ?


  • punkofnice
    So why does WTS do all these things?? They are supposed to be "footstep followers" of the Christ.

    Reality. It's just a big money making scam pretending to be a christian religion. It is FAR from it!

    Where does Jesus say to count time?

    It doesn't. The unwritten book of 'cult' does.

    Where does he say to go to meetings for 6 months to a year -or more!- to come back into fellowship with his believers if they should leave or be expelled?

    CULT! Magnum focus of the WBT$ cult = make money, get power for the leaders and protect child abusers.

    Where is it written that meetings should be Watchtower studies?

    The watchtower is the 'cult handbook' for the lower echelons in the pecking order.

    To answer you rother questions and any you may have.......

    The WBT$ is a scamming pyramid business. It has very little to do with living by christian values or following jesus. CULT! CULT! CULT!

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  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    (Matthew 10:8, 9) "You received free, give free. 9 Do not acquire gold or silver or copper for your money belts..."

    (2 Thessalonians 3:7, 8) "For you yourselves know how you should imitate us, because we did not behave in a disorderly way among you, 8 nor did we eat anyone’s food free..."

    The Org's ethos is to get people's time, money, & labour for free - but make everyone pay for their Writing Committee's "inspired expressions", and threaten them not to apply 1 John 4:1!

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  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Yes, cult, cult, cult. It's so mind-boggling to me now how I could not see that this was NOT the truth. Sigh. So brainwashed for so long..... :frowning:

    Thank you for your replies.

  • Vidiot

    Muddy Waters - " mind-boggling to me now how I could not see that this was NOT the truth..."


    You didn't have any information that refuted the claim... how could you?

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  • LAWHFol
    How does this, "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing," Matt 6:3 correspond to Monthly reporting of your "helping the needy" down to the hour??
  • sparrowdown
    The GB that would be "good news."

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